More than 80% of human information from the outside world comes from the visual system. At present, the most common blinding eye diseases include cataract, glaucoma and retinal degenerative diseases (including macular degeneration, diabetes retinopathy and retinal degeneration caused by high myopia). Ophthalmic diseases have a serious impact on the quality of human life, and the research of ophthalmic diseases is a major demand of China's economy and society.
Uveitis model

Establishment of mouse uveitis model by IRBP combined with intraperitoneal injection of 100 day nuclear toxin

Fig. 1 Model of uveitis. Focal retinal detachment with a small amount of granuloma and perivascular inflammation under the retina.
Dry eye model
Establishment of dry eye model in mice by ConA lacrimal gland injection

Establishment of dry eye model in mice by subcutaneous injection of scopolamine

Fig. 2 Dry eye model. Figure A-B The mice model of dry eye was established by subcutaneous injection of scopolamine. Figure C 3% Lissamine Green B corneal staining.
Corneal alkali injury model
Corneal injury model caused by NaOH wet compress
Diabetes retinopathy model
Model of diabetes retinopathy induced by STZ combined with high-fat feeding in rats
Retinal macular degeneration model

Establishment of mouse retinal macular degeneration model by tail vein injection of 1% sodium iodate

(Model Group)(Control Group)

Fig. 3 Retinal macular degeneration model. The fundus observation showed that the model group had obvious vascular proliferation, indicating that the model of dry age-related lesions was successful.
Retinal detachment model
Establishment of rabbit retinal detachment model by retinal detachment surgery
Allergic conjunctivitis model
Allergic conjunctivitis model induced by ragweed pollen and histamine
Cataract model
Establishment of selenium cataract model by subcutaneous injection of sodium selenite into the back of the neck

D-galactose-induced cataract model in rats