Zhonghong Boyuan teaches you how to choose a good animal model of human disease?

Zhonghong Boyuan teaches you how to choose a good animal model of human disease? 

    To do human disease research, how to choose a good animal model? After years of animal modeling, Zhonghong Boyuan can tell you.

   1. Reproducibility is better

   refers to being able to reproduce the disease to be studied. The etiology, pathology, and pathology exhibited are at least one of the same as those of human disease. The veto is a far cry.

   2. Reasonable cost

   Strong operability, can be used repeatedly.

   3. Feasibility

   In other words, the method used for disease animal modeling must be feasible.

  In the case of infectious diseases (such as the new crown), the animals used for the experiment must be able to be infected by the new crown. At the same time, the pathological features must be damaged by lung tissue, and the lungs are ground glass-like images, which is very important. On the contrary, if the animal model has other symptoms without the above-mentioned symptoms, then the model is not ideal for clinical research.

   Therefore, the selection of animals is also based on the research topic, and the biological characteristics should be consistent with human characteristics or disease characteristics. As if we are doing research on human reproductive diseases, it is best to choose primates, with monkeys as the best, because its biological models and physiological characteristics are most similar to humans.

   There is no perfect animal model, we have to make a reasonable choice according to the research objectives, whether it is pathological research or pharmaceutical research, or clinical disease observation. Choosing an animal model that meets the needs of the research topic is the most suitable animal model.