【Animal Modeling】-How does cancer spread? They looked at the mice "transparent"

  Cancer metastasis is the main cause of death for many cancer patients, and is the last thing to encounter in surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Potential metastatic cells should be detected early and quantified to prevent their degradation. Recently, a research team from the University of Tokyo and RIKEN in Japan proposed a coup: special chemical treatments make the entire body and organs of mice very transparent, and capturing fluorescent proteins on the surface of cancer cells can cause cancer metastasis. It can be used to observe and record the process. The resolution reaches the single-cell level.

  "This study proves the feasibility of single-cell resolution imaging of the whole body and specific organs." The author of this article, a professor at the Quantitative Biology Center of the University of Tokyo, supports Ueda Yuki. In order to locate cancer cells, the fluorescent protein signals expressed on the cell surface must be captured. This article was co-authored by Shinpei Kubota, and project researcher Kei Takahashi created the "chemical cocktail"-CUBIC (Clear Brain/Body Imaging Cocktail). This makes the mouse's body and vital organs "transparent". By extracting fluorescent signals, researchers can find cancer cells distributed in the liver, pancreas and intestines.

  Combined with existing imaging technology, they recorded the growth of tumor cells in specific organs such as lung, intestine and liver. More importantly, with the help of whole body/brain imaging system, you can track the details of tumor metastasis in the body. Specifically, the research team selected 9 cancer cell lines and constructed 13 cancer mouse models. The imaging platform is used to scan the distribution of pancreatic cancer cells in the liver and abdomen of mice, and record both in real time. In the course of a week, as the dynamic process of cancer cells gradually invaded healthy lungs, the details of the effects of cancer cells on cerebral blood vessels were observed. These imaging results fully characterized the shape, volume and distribution of cancer cells, and recorded different patterns and nuances during metastasis. Cancer cells with high TGF-β protein expression are more likely to metastasize normally.

  This new imaging technique has been proven to show the process of cancer metastasis more clearly. In particular, to reach other parts of the human body, cancer cells need to enter blood vessels and transfer through the bloodstream.

  "Most cancer cells are not so lucky and die before metastasis." The corresponding author of the article, Professor Kohei Miyahira of the University of Tokyo, said: "From the imaging results obtained by the new method TGF-β, we found that the protein is highly expressed ( Regulate cell growth and differentiation), cancer cells have relatively good viability, can resist the "journey" of cancer metastasis and establish "outposts". I am. Use

  CUBIC method to analyze cancer helps to further understand the complexity and heterogeneity of cancer and metastasis. In addition, the technology can also reveal other diseases and biomedical fields at the single-cell level, such as autoimmune diseases and regenerative medicine.