What should we pay attention to when outsourcing animal experiments?

What should we pay attention to when outsourcing animal experiments?

  The benefits of experiment outsourcing are obvious, but it is precisely because many people ran for these intuitive benefits that they didn’t know anything or consulted this information before outsourcing, so they fell behind and should pay attention to different experiments There are also many related issues. This article mainly analyzes three points that need to be noted when outsourcing animal experiments.

(1) General experiment outsourcing has its own independent laboratory. It is necessary to pay attention to the problems of animal experiment facilities when the experiment outsourcing party gets in touch. Some laboratories are relatively immature and lack certain experience, so the laboratory There are problems such as incomplete equipment or inadequate sanitation. In such a case, the data and information obtained by the experiment are completely untrue.

(2) It is necessary to pay attention to the selection of cooperative laboratories to understand the breeding situation of experimental animals. It is necessary to understand the source of experimental animals and pay attention to the description of this part in the contract to avoid some unnecessary things from happening to others. Is guaranteed.

   (3) Finally, it is necessary to clarify the types of experiments that can be carried out. For example, some animal experiments can carry out various types of experiments or operations such as pharmacodynamics, pharmacology, toxicology, and biology, and will provide corresponding information and services.