【Animal Experiment】-Heavy! Xenotransplantation is expected to become a reality! Using CRISPR/Cas9 to breed pigs without endogenous retrovirus for the first time

  As a biotechnology company dedicated to transforming xenotransplantation into life-saving medicine, eGenesis announced that its scientists and colleagues have confirmed the use of CRISPR/Cas9 in pigs in a new study. PERV) inactivation can prevent the spread of the virus between species and enable the first PERV-free pigs to reproduce successfully. This is also an important milestone for xenotransplantation. By transplanting animal organs into humans, xenotransplantation is a promising method to alleviate the severe organ shortage of organ transplantation.

  However, to date, the risk of cross-species transmission of PERV and other problems have prevented its use in humans. eGenesis uses CRISPR technology to provide safe and effective human cells, tissues and organs that can be cultured in pigs to meet the urgent needs of hundreds of thousands of patients around the world. I promise to do so. The corresponding author of Genesis and the chief scientist of eGenesis, Luhan Yang, said: "This is the first report of raising pigs without PREV. We have developed a method for editing multiple genomes." Using CRISPR technology in cloned pigs, The production of fibroblasts eliminated all PERV activity and successfully produced PERV-free pig breeds.

  It represents a major advancement in solving infection safety issues. Our team further developed PERV-free pig breeds. Pig strains for safe and effective xenotransplantation. "In this new study, these researchers investigated the risk of PERV infection and confirmed in vitro that PERV infects human cells and exhibits unprecedented transmission. Human cells in contact with pig cells. This should solve the problem to ensure safety. Xenotransplantation. These researchers use CRISPR-Cas9 technology to efficiently and accurately perform genome editing of primary fibroblasts. Combined with methods to inhibit the death of primary cells in a variety of genome editing processes, they have successfully used transgenic primary cells and Somatic cell nuclear transfer technology cultivated viable pig embryos without PERV. .. Then these pig embryos were transferred to surrogate sows without PERV. The results confirmed that PERV reinfection did not initially occur in the pig fetus, nor did it occur in the recent birth Of piglets. These piglets are the first animals born without PERV, and eGenesis will monitor the long-term effects of this treatment on these piglets.

  EGenesis breeds the first batch of piglets without active PERV, and combines the safety advantages of PERV-free pigs with further gene editing to solve the immune response problem in the xenotransplantation process. Compatible with organ immune function.