[Animal Experiment]-Japan may allow the cultivation of human organs in animals

  The Educational Expert Committee under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan has recently basically agreed to allow this research to put human cells into the fertilized eggs of animals called embryos to cultivate transplanted organs.

  According to reports, Japan has previously banned the cultivation of animal human organs. In this study, human cells were transplanted into fertilized eggs, which were unable to grow out of certain organs through gene editing, and were then placed in the uterus of animals for pregnancy. It is said that the offspring of animals can reproduce with human organs. Research is ongoing in Japan and abroad to transplant human ips cells into fertilized eggs of animals and transplanted into organs such as pigs, but it has not been confirmed whether there are organs that can be used for transplantation.

  The 21st Committee of Experts proposed a direction to lift the ban on related research, provided that the research needs can be explained scientifically and reasonably. After approval by the ethics committee of the executive body, the research plan will be discussed in the direction independently approved by the Japanese government.

  It turns out that we are discussing whether to allow animals mixed with human cells to be born.