【Animal Experiment】-Robot successfully helped pigs repair damaged esophagus

  Don't fall into the imagination of "a group of nanobots running in blood", because this is a true science fiction novel. The results of this study are not visually as cool as movies, but in terms of scientific achievements, they are quite amazing.

  The success of this study was completed by a multinational research team led by Danada Mian of Boston Children's Hospital. In the paper, the researchers said that they created a robotic implant that "uses computer-controlled traction to promote the growth of tubular organs such as the esophagus and intestine." Surgery makes it very difficult to repair tubular structures in the human body. This has always been the main research direction in the medical field, because most organisms contain many tubular structures.

  Existing methods such as organ transplantation are not only expensive but also risky. Surgical procedures such as remote esophageal atresia require the patient to be anesthetized for several weeks, because every part of the esophagus needs to be stretched and connected gently. In contrast, the pigs used in the Damian team's robotic implantation experiment not only survived well, but also appeared when the implant was placed in the esophagus.

  Why is this robot implant so good? The answer may surprise you. The principle used is not complicated. It was discovered in 1930 and is often used to cultivate bacterial colonies. It is a mechanical stimulus that stimulates cells through mechanical movement, thereby increasing the speed of cell growth and wound healing. However, for a long time, the equipment required to generate mechanical stimulation was not suitable for implantation in the human body due to its size. Thanks to the development of microelectronics technology in recent years, we have finally been able to produce mechanical devices small enough to activate cells in the body. Compared with existing methods, the advantage of this technology is that by nourishing body tissues and over time, it avoids many serious problems. Existing methods require the tissue to expand in hours or days, which carries the risk of fibrosis and poor neural connections. During the operation described in this article, the doctor connects the approximately 10 cm long robotic implant to the esophagus from the outside and fixes it to the tubular part of the esophagus through two O-rings. With its motors, sensors and various electronic components, the implant is wrapped in a layer of biocompatible waterproof skin and connected to an external control unit via a data cable. Mechanically stimulate the middle part of the two O-rings to accelerate cell growth.

  The results of the researcher’s experiment were very successful. Within 9 days, the length of the esophagus between the two O-rings of the experimental pigs increased by 77%. This result is obtained by stimulating cell self-growth rather than stretching. During this process, the blood flow and function of the esophagus are fully maintained. Researchers speculate that if the device can be further upgraded to recognize the contraction and relaxation of the esophageal muscles during meals, the device can even be upgraded during the repair process.

  Sorry to see this? The reality is not as high as the group of nano robots that can repair various injuries in science fiction works. However, this slender tubular organ robot may be more like a robot than we thought.

  Why the researchers pointed out: "In addition to being used for organ growth, robotic implants also represent a new research direction for medical robots. These bionic systems are used before body repair. It helps provide normal physical functions, even temporary Function. Nature is still permanent."

  "The miniaturization of sensors and actuators, wireless communication, energy transmission, energy harvesting. With the development of other technologies, it may make it possible to create devices beyond science fiction."