Scientists solve the mystery of staying up late to damage the body in animal experiments?

Scientists solve the mystery of staying up late to damage the body in animal experiments? 

  With the development of human science and technology, while people's living standards continue to improve, people's lifestyles have also undergone major changes, especially the popularity of mobile phones and computers. Many people are used to working and living at night. Few people have formed a physiological rule that they cannot fall asleep at two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, and staying up late has become the norm of some people in today's society.

   The ancients pay attention to "the sunrise is done, the sunset is rested". This is not simply the common sense of life, but also the result of human adaptation to the environment for a long time, and this rule has been continued by most people for thousands of years, and it has only been gradually broken by the emerging technology after nearly two decades of life change. The development of modern science and technology has brought about a diversity of work and life. Some people work partly during the day and partly at night, and some people rest during the day, and concentrate on working or engaging in activities at night or overnight, even for consecutive days.

However, we all know that staying up late is very harmful to the body. As the saying goes, "do not sleep overnight, you can't make up for ten nights". At first, lack of sleep will manifest as fatigue, fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and a few experiences People who suffer from insufficient sleep for too long may even experience disorientation, paranoia, and hallucinations. Staying up late will make people's internal system disorder, resistance decline, and eventually lead to some diseases, and even irreversible endings such as coma and death.

However, although we all know that staying up late is so harmful to the body, sometimes we can’t stop us from staying up late because there are many jobs in modern life that we must do, such as warehouse attendants, security guards, taxis or doctors on duty Wait, of course, there are some network devices that are difficult for us to control, such as computer phones. So since staying up late has harm and cannot be abandoned, how to repair the harm caused by staying up late has become the focus of scientists' research.

In order to understand the cause of the damage caused by staying up late, scientists have found out the ways to repair and improve. Two kinds of animals have been tested, one is fruit flies, the other is mice, and they interfere with sleep by way of These two animals conducted research to make them suffer from lack of sleep, and found that the cause of their final death was actually the result of the continuous accumulation of active oxygen molecules in the intestine. This highly active oxygen-containing molecule, when a large number of them exist Will destroy the DNA and other components in the cell, and eventually cause cell death in the body. The accumulation of active oxygen peaked on the 10th day of deprivation of Drosophila sleep, and when sleep deprivation stopped, the level of active oxygen also decreased. The same is true for mice.

In order to find out the repair method, the researchers tested dozens of compounds that can neutralize active oxygen and have antioxidant properties, and selected 11 of them that are particularly effective in removing intestinal active oxygen, as mice And Drosophila food supplements, such as melatonin, lipoic acid and NAD, etc., found that they can make the sleepless fruit flies or mice have a normal or near normal lifespan. However, when these compounds were supplemented to control groups of flies or mice with sufficient sleep, they could not prolong their lifespan.

  Through these two cross-species experiments, scientists believe that this method may provide a new idea for repairing the damage caused by insufficient sleep in the future. If in the future, scientists succeed in researching ways to repair injuries, not only to save humans from the pain caused by staying up late, but also to prolong human life in disguise and increase more work productivity. Of course, the editor still reminds everyone not to stay up late, especially friends who bow their heads every day or look at their phones in bed, after all, this is a bad habit that harms their health.