【Animal Modeling】-New research discovers the "software" difference between human brain and monkey brain

  Compared with other animals, how does the brain function as the "spirit of all things", especially compared with "close relatives" monkeys? According to a new study, a comparison of the "software" of the human brain and the monkey brain shows that the human brain is more efficient, but its stability has decreased. Researchers from the Weissmann Institute of Science in Israel and other institutions published their findings in the new issue of the American journal Cell. They used the opportunity of some epilepsy patients to implant electrodes into the brain for treatment, analyzed the activity characteristics of neurons in the human brain, and compared the results with rhesus monkeys. Human brain neurons process information more efficiently, while monkey brain neurons are more synchronized and more stable. researcher

  Onnie Pass thinks this is reasonable. For example, in the case of tigers, monkeys always need a stable escape response from the brain, while for more advanced people, the brain can fully analyze the environment. A lot of information, etc. However, this method of sacrificing stability in order to improve efficiency also brings some problems to humans. For example, certain mental illnesses may be related to the inability of neurons in the human brain to function stably and synchronously at a certain time. Researchers have almost no opportunity to collect data on neurons in the human brain, and there are more data on monkey brains. Therefore, in some previous studies, some human brain manipulation patterns were not found in monkeys. It is generally considered the same as the brain. The difference between the two is very important for future brain research.