[Animal Experiment]-"Turning off" a certain protein can make mice eat more without getting fat

  People get fat when they eat greasy and sweet food. Is this easy to talk about? How to enjoy delicious food without worrying about health? The latest animal study conducted by German researchers found that turning off the protein that regulates lipid metabolism allows mice to eat more without eating fat. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Germany and other institutions found that when a high-fat diet makes mice fat, a certain length of ceramide molecules accumulate in the liver, and this lipid substance is made of ceramide Synthetic. The discovered enzyme 5 and ceramide synthase 6 are two types of protein synthesis. Ceramide is an intermediate metabolite of sphingolipids, which plays an important role in biosynthesis and promotes cell metabolism. According to experiments, if ceramide synthase 6 fails, obese mice will continue to eat a high-fat diet, but the liver will not accumulate fat, reduce weight and metabolize glucose in the body. Despite the improvement, "Turning off Ceramide Synthase 5 does not have the above effect.

  Further research shows that ceramide synthase 6 is responsible for regulating the level of mitochondrial ceramide. Mitochondrial researchers speculate that a high-fat, high-sugar diet will lead to obesity, which is the accumulation of ceramide synthesized by ceramide synthase 6 in mitochondria and mitochondria. It may be caused by long-term inhibitory function.

  Researchers say that similar mechanisms may be applicable to humans, but further research is still needed.