【Animal Experiment】-Using ECG implant remote sensing technology to measure and compare the effects of different general anesthetics on the rat's ECG activity

  Objective   To compare the effects of five general anesthetics on the heart rate of SD rats by using ECG implants.

  Methods The electrocardiogram implants were used to determine the anesthesia effect, heart rate and electrocardiogram changes of five general anesthetics in rats within 120 minutes. Isoproterenol (0.025 mg/mL) was injected into the abdominal cavity to compare the effects of five general anesthetics on isoproterenol. The effect of the element on improving the rat’s electrical activity.

  Results Isoflurane and propofol have a fast onset, stable anesthesia, and small heart rate changes. Etomidate and ketamine have a faster onset but shorter duration. Pentobarbital sodium has a slow onset, long anesthesia time and wake up. It is slow and has obvious cardiac inhibitory effect. 2% isoflurane and ketamine have little effect on heart rate. The other three anesthetics can significantly reduce the acceleration effect of isoproterenol on heart rate.

  Conclusion Isoflurane and propofol have the best anesthesia effect on SD rats and have little effect on heart rate. Among them, isoflurane has the least effect on the heart rate acceleration caused by isoproterenol, and is more suitable for anesthesia operations and for some cardiovascular active drugs. Study on the role of heart rate.