Type 2 diabetes patients may live longer than non-diabetic patients

  Recently, researchers at Cardiff University found through research that patients with type 2 diabetes who are receiving medication may live longer than non-diabetic patients.

  In an article, researchers conducted a large-scale study of 180,000 people and found that a drug called metformin can be used to control blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Metformin is a well-known drug with anti-cancer activity. It can have a healthy preventive effect on non-diabetic patients. In this study, the researchers analyzed and investigated the survival rate of diabetic patients taking sulfonylureas (oral drugs used to treat diabetes) and metformin, and compared metformin drugs with non-diabetic patients. I found someone taking it. The quality of life has improved significantly, but the quality of life of people taking sulfonylurea drugs has decreased significantly. Studies have found that cheap, broad-spectrum diabetes drugs are not only beneficial for diabetics, but also for non-diabetics. Metformin helps fight cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It can reduce the development of diabetes in pre-diabetic patients by one third. in

  In the next phase of the research, we want to study whether metformin treatment is suitable as a first-line treatment for diabetes. Effective control of blood sugar levels in diabetic patients is essential to reduce the occurrence of microvascular complications such as stroke. Conduct more detailed studies to explore the causes of diabetes and provide specific ideas and suggestions for effective control of the development of diabetes.