What is the difference between a smoker's lung and a healthy lung?

  According to foreign media reports, people know that smoking is harmful to health and significantly increase the life crisis caused by deadly diseases. But despite this, many smokers still cannot resist the charm of cigarettes and pay little attention to the harmfulness of smoking. At present, the latest experiment vividly demonstrates the real harm that smoking poses to human lungs.

  Excessive smoking will seriously affect lung capacity and darken lung organs. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemical substances, including more than 70 carcinogenic chemicals and hundreds of toxic substances. At the same time, the photos can also explain why some smokers cough violently and often feel out of breath.

  Smoking is most likely to cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), this covering term includes: emphysema and chronic bronchitis. It can cause serious damage to the respiratory system and lungs and cause long-term symptoms. At the same time, smoking can make asthma and other lung diseases worse.

  Researchers have found that if smokers quit smoking around the age of 40, life expectancy will be extended by 10 years. Scientists pointed out that a study of 1.3 million women showed that quitting smoking before middle age can effectively avoid more than 90% of deaths caused by continued smoking. This also applies to men.

  In 2013, German researchers found that if the elderly who had smoked for decades successfully quit smoking, they could still effectively reduce the probability of heart attack and stroke by 40% within five years. This study observed 9,000 middle-aged and elderly people aged 50-74 for 10 years.

  They also found that even if they successfully quit smoking in their later years, they can still reverse some of the physical damage. Earlier this year, a terrible video showed the changes in the lungs after smoking only 60 cigarettes. The lungs that did not smoke remained healthy pink, while the lungs that smoked appeared yellow-brown.