Vitamin D deficiency may be the cause of autism

  The clinical manifestations of autism are behavioral disorders, immune disorders, oxidative stress changes, and even genetic abnormalities. According to medical research, vitamin D deficiency is common in children with autism. In addition to traditional calcium and phosphorus metabolism regulation, vitamin D also has immune regulation and other functions, which can enhance glutathione synthesis and gene stability.

  Jia Feiyong and Shan Ling from the Pediatric Neurorehabilitation Department of the First Hospital of Jilin University and their colleagues reviewed the research progress of the role of vitamin D in autism. Vitamin is a trace organic substance necessary for humans and animals to maintain normal physiological functions. It plays an important role in the growth, metabolism and development of the human body. Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D mainly comes from its own synthesis, thereby reducing food. Autism is also an inflammatory disease. Vitamin D plays an anti-inflammatory effect by regulating innate and acquired immunity. This study shows that autism has inflammatory changes, and the pro-inflammatory chemokine MCP-1 and pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α in the serum of autistic children are significantly increased.

  The serum prostaglandin (prostgrandin, PG) of children with autism increases significantly. PG has an inflammatory effect. Calcitriol inhibits the synthesis of PG and exerts anti-inflammatory effects. F-κB participates in abnormal signal transduction in the brain of autism, and calcitriol can also exert anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting NF-κB. In human autoimmune diseases, there are more than 160 types of autoantibodies, and various brain-related autoantibodies, such as anti-GAD65 antibodies and anti-MAG antibodies, have been found in children with autism. The level of these autoantibodies is positively correlated with the severity of autism. This shows that autism also has autoimmune problems. Recent studies have shown that the concentration of anti-MAG antibodies in the serum of children with autism is negatively correlated with the level of 25(OH)D. Therefore, vitamin D supplementation may reduce autoantibodies in autism. The anti-autoimmune effect of vitamin D can explain the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and the prevalence of various autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D supplementation can increase the proportion of control T cells in the body, produce immune tolerance and restore normal brain function. Oxidative stress is a disease in which active oxygen is excessively produced in the body, (and) the body's antioxidant capacity is reduced, and the active oxygen in the body increases, causing oxidative damage to cells. Refers to the physical process. Halicka et al. It is reported that vitamin D can directly up-regulate several antioxidant genes, such as thioredoxin reductase and superoxide dismutase. Both are involved in the antioxidant and detox process. Thioredoxin reductase is an essential protein that can regulate the balance of antioxidants and prevent and limit mitochondrial oxidative damage. Superoxide dismutase is a major antioxidant that can break down superoxide into less toxic molecules.

  Autism was once considered an inherited disease, so geneticists spare no effort to explore common gene mutations that cause autism, but so far, little success has been achieved. Although there has been no significant change in genetic status in history, vitamin D deficiency has become more and more serious worldwide in recent years, which is why the incidence of autism has increased significantly internationally in recent years. Maybe. In the US ecological research on the prevalence of autism and solar radiation exposure, solar radiation exposure is negatively correlated with the prevalence of autism in adolescents. This may be due to the development of the brain during pregnancy, especially the rapid development of late pregnancy. Lack of vitamin D in the body can cause autism. The point mutations and neonatal DNA damage in autism may not be the cause of autism, but the result of the development of autism, which is the genetic existence of children with autism. This may be due to factors or environmental factors.