What is the pathogenic mechanism of human infection with H7N9 virus?

  The Zhou Yusen team of the Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology is the Zeng Lin team of the Laboratory Animal Center of the Institute, the Li Yan team of the Institute of Basic Medicine, the Jiang Shibo team of Shanghai Fudan University and Germany. Cooperated with Guo Renfeng's team, chief scientist of Inflarx GmbH, to conduct scientific research.

  Professor Jiang Shibo introduced the new pathogenic mechanism of H7N9 avian influenza virus infection. In recent years, H5N1, H7N9, SARS and other infections have caused pneumonia or severe pneumonia, and almost every death has led to respiratory distress syndrome. At present, humans still lack a complete and systematic understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms of severe pneumonia and respiratory distress syndrome caused by the above-mentioned highly pathogenic viruses, and have specific effective immunotherapy.

  I haven’t found a study by Yu Yuyu’s team that shows that complement-mediated immune pathological damage plays a very important “catalyst” role in the development of severe pneumonia. Therefore, immunotherapy that inhibits complement targeting can effectively treat severe pneumonia caused by viral infection, reduce the patient's condition, and provide new possibilities for saving patients' lives.