Chinese scientists use new method to suppress breast cancer stem cells

  Recently, the international biological journal cell death & differentiation published a recent study by scientists from Canada and China. Researchers have demonstrated through in vivo and in vitro experiments that activating toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) can promote the transformation of breast cancer cells into cancer stem cells (CSC) and produce stem cell characteristics. The CSC transformation effect of TLR3 requires simultaneous activation of β catenin and NF -κB signaling pathway can happen. This research result provides a new strategy to inhibit CSC production in cancer treatment.

  Researchers pointed out that in 2012 statistics, breast cancer was the second leading cause of female deaths. Traditional therapies such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy can eliminate tumor masses, but still cannot completely kill a small number of malignant tumor cells. These malignant tumor cells can still survive and self-renew, and further develop into malignant tumors. The cells are called cancer stem cells. Studies have found that cancer stem cells are resistant to traditional therapies and can be transformed from non-cancer stem cells under certain conditions. While TLR3 has a higher expression in breast cancer patients with poor prognosis, but the relationship between TLR3 and the transformation of breast cancer cells into cancer stem cells is still unclear.

  Researchers first discovered through in vitro cell culture that activating TLR3 can promote breast cancer cells to produce features similar to cancer stem cells, but TLR5, 7, and 8 cannot play the same role. Through further exploration of the mechanism, activating the NF-κB signaling pathway alone cannot cause the transformation of breast cancer cells into cancer stem cells, and when β catenin and NF-κB signaling are activated at the same time, it can promote TLR3-mediated breast cancer cells Transformation into cancer stem cells. The researchers also found that the treatment of breast cancer cells with cardamom can block the β catenin and NF-κB signaling pathways, resulting in the inhibition of the TLR3-mediated CSC conversion process.

  In summary, the study found that TLR3 can simultaneously activate β catenin and NF-κB signaling pathways to promote the transformation of breast cancer cells into cancer stem cells, and that cardamom can block this effect of TLR3 and inhibit tumor cells from turning into tumors. Transformation of stem cells. This research result provides a new strategy for inhibiting the production of CSC and improving the cure rate of cancer.