Scientists screen new genes that can protect the body against dementia

  The correct human survival is the most misunderstood term in biology. In the latest research report published in the international journal PNAS, researchers from the University of California said that natural selection may be more inclined to humans, and grandparents are responsible for the development of dementia. Provides genetic protection. In order to gain old age, to maintain good cognitive ability and memory, people with dementia need to take care of themselves, while the elderly spread wisdom, children and grandchildren. You can encourage them to take care of you. ..

  The hypothesis of this grandmother conforms to the rules of blood relatives (blood selection). That is, individuals can continue their genes. This is possible by simply passing it on not only to offspring, but also to offspring with genetic mutations. This seems selfless, such as why ants cross the bridge to allow relatives to cross obstacles, and why squirrels warn loudly. For human beings, grandparents will teach their offspring specific survival skills to increase their offspring’s chances of survival.

  Humans and whales are the only mammals that lived in the past breeding era. Chi worms can survive after menopause. This is because the environment can be used to teach baby whales how to steal food and survive. The emergence of human Alzheimer's disease also follows the same evolutionary path, which weakens the cognitive ability of the elderly. In this article, researchers are looking for new gene mutations that can counteract the tendency of dementia. Finally, they first found a gene called CD33, which encodes a receptor that maintains inflammation and immune responses, such as "C ". Find. Although alleles are related to the development of early dementia, the "A" alliance can protect the body's cognitive ability by promoting the absorption of excessive β-amyloid protein by microglia. In this study, the researchers identified 10 mutated genes that can protect the body from the development of vascular dementia. Ten genes APOE, AGT, SCG2, CAPN10, TCF7L2, EBF1, COX-2, CYP3A5, PPARG and PON1 vascular dementia often block blood flow. These 10 genes can protect the human body from high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Researchers have also found it in modern Africans. These derived protective counter-genes indicate that these genes have existed for at least 100,000 years.

  Finally, researcher Ganou said that our research has not proved that these factors are involved in the selective screening process of CD33, APOE and other gene protection variants. After all, it helps to guess the possibility of this phenomenon. Intergenerational care and communication are both important factors for the survival of the young offspring of the family and the wider social network and tribe. Subsequent researchers are also very happy to establish a new genetic testing team, which will help detect new genes that can fight dementia.