Harbin Veterinary Research Institute has discovered a new pattern recognition receptor for viral nucleic acid

  The natural immune system can quickly recognize external pathogens and their own danger signals, and provide effective protection. During the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms, the host's pattern recognition system can quickly identify the components of pathogenic microorganisms and initiate spontaneous immune and inflammatory responses. Harvey's research on animal pathogen monitoring and epidemiology research innovation team Weng Changjiang researchers use porcine alveolar macrophages to infect highly pathogenic porcine reproductive respiratory syndrome virus (usually porcine blue ear disease virus) research model. After years of hard work, important research results have been obtained in the identification of virus nucleic acid pattern recognition.

  The research team found that highly pathogenic PRRSV infection or PRRSV nucleic acid can activate stromal bodies and cause a strong inflammatory response. Subsequent studies found that RNA helicase 19A (DDX19A) is a new viral nucleic acid pattern recognition receptor, which can recognize viral nucleic acid, activate signal transduction pathways in inflammatory response, and promote the secretion of inflammatory cytokines. The pattern recognition receptor acts as a bridge between viral nucleic acid and matrix small molecules through the interaction between viral nucleic acid and matrix small molecules, and in this study, it is an important mechanism of viral infection that activates inflammatory response. Revealed.

  Dr. Jiangnan Li said: In modern virology and immunology, identifying the pattern recognition receptors in host cells that recognize viral RNA is a very difficult problem. This response and other viruses that cause inflammation are very important. It also provides a reference for the study of molecular mechanisms. "The research results provide new targets for the extensive development of highly effective antiviral inflammatory drugs.