A meta-analysis of the effects of anti-aging drugs on the survival curve of nematodes

  Many studies at home and abroad have reported that anti-aging drugs can extend the lifespan of many model organisms such as nematodes, fruit flies, mice, rats and primates. However, there is still a lack of differences in these drugs to delay aging in systematic studies.

  Therefore, in this study, the research literature on the life test and survival curve of anti-aging drugs has been officially published in domestic and foreign journals since 1990, and it is aimed at the thermal model biological nematode in aging research. And compare the differences with meta-analysis. We will combine the relationship between anti-aging drugs and the types of survival curve changes and the pharmacological effects of drugs to explore the mechanism of life extension. The results of cross-analysis between the clustering of survival curve characteristics and the biological classification of drugs show that there is a strong correlation between the type of pharmacological effects and the type of increase, and the results of the two classification methods are consistent.

  "The overall increase of antioxidants and blood sugar control drugs in the survival curve is not the highest, but the increased part of the survival curve in the normal group has a translational shape, and such drugs improve the age structure. Shows that it can bring huge benefits to the entire population. The characteristics of its aging curve are similar to natural aging. The overall benefits of antiepileptic drugs and gastrointestinal flora-related drugs are huge, and the gain shape of the curve is trapezoidal. This drug (especially gastrointestinal flora-related drugs) significantly increases the maximum life span of a few people. Indicates that it has been expanded. However, from the perspective of the entire group, the extent to which most people live longer is unclear, and a few profitable people may need longer external resources to maintain a longer life span. As mentioned above, drugs that scavenge free radicals and control blood sugar levels have a more positive and reasonable effect on healthy elderly people.