Scientists use gene editing technology for faster and more efficient antiviral drug development

  Scientists are accelerating the research and treatment of new therapies such as double viruses, but recently, based on gene editing technology, researchers from the California Institute of Nanosystems and other institutions are very accurate and efficient. DNA has been developed. Screening system: In order to develop new drugs for viral infections, researchers need to understand the mechanisms by which viruses infect healthy cells, and these potential mechanisms may be the targets of new drug development.

  In order to determine the mechanism or target of viral infection, scientists need to screen the DNA of host cells to find specific gene mutations. Researchers usually use cleanup or knockout to prevent virus infection or replication. An important gene is realized. Recently, researcher Robert Damoiseau collaborated with researchers from Sandia National Laboratory to develop a special library screening method based on CRISPR technology. This new method is more effective than the traditional method. And conduct high-precision research to help scientists find the key target genes that cause the disease.

  First, we began to use high-throughput automated equipment to study CRISPR mixtures, which are libraries of multiple DNA fragments, which can be separated into individual components and screened for individual components. Researchers can quickly determine the susceptibility genes of dual viruses in the human body and design new effective antiviral therapies to help the body resist viral infections.

  With the help of researchers from Sandia National Laboratory, the research team of researcher Damoizo is currently developing a CRISPR-based microarray library that can reduce the cost of developing antiviral therapies and accelerate the development of antiviral drugs. development process. When using CRISPR to identify a set of genes responsible for virus replication from a mixture, Damovazzo said that a series of experiments should be performed to verify the function of a single gene. Using this newly developed microarray library, the screening system can directly identify individual genes, making researchers as easy as playing a game. This allows researchers to capture more subtle effects compared to traditional methods.

  At present, the microarray CRISPR library can be applied in many research fields, such as cancer treatment research. CRISPR technology can bring unexpected discoveries to scientists to better understand human health. At the same time, it also brings help and hope for the development of new therapies to treat a variety of genetic diseases.