Selenium compounds have an inhibitory effect on cancer cells

  At present, there are about 3.12 million new cancer cases in my country every year, and an average of 8550 people are diagnosed every day, 6 people are diagnosed with cancer every minute, and one person is diagnosed in 10 seconds on average.

  Among the current treatment methods for tumors, chemotherapy is a systemic treatment that can eliminate primary and metastatic lesions, and reduce tumor recurrence and metastasis. Although the effect of chemotherapy is significant, the side effects are also obvious. The drug itself is highly toxic, so the application of higher doses is limited, which limits its efficacy. More importantly, tumor cells are resistant to anticancer drugs. Data shows that more than 90% of patients who die of cancer are related to the resistance of tumor cells, especially multidrug resistance.

  Once the cancer cells become resistant, no matter how strong the drugs are, there is nothing to do. Therefore, while researching targeted drugs for cancer cells, scientists are looking for the reasons for the resistance of cancer cells and trying to prevent cancer cells from this self-protection mechanism.

  Recently, researchers from the University of Navarre in Spain, the Jagiellonian University School of Medicine in Poland, the University of Szeged in Hungary and the University of Saarland in Germany have shown that a new class of molecules, called selenium compounds, can kill many Drug-resistant mouse cancer cells. This study, published in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, shows that this selenium compound molecule can block the defense function of cancer cells against cancer drugs, thereby killing multi-drug resistant cancer cells.

  Cancer cells that rise up to resist

  The findings of this paper show that when cancer is treated by chemotherapy, tumor cells will adapt to this environment and activate self-defense mechanisms, including drug efflux, DNA damage repair, up-regulation of survival-related gene expression, anti-apoptosis and cellular Activation of internal survival signaling pathways, etc. Among them, the efflux of drugs is a defense mechanism of cancer cells, which requires the efflux pump to pump the drugs out of the cells to ensure the continued survival of cancer cells. "Whether it is chemotherapy or targeted therapy, if the drug is pumped out by cancer cells, it may lead to drug resistance." Ji Hongbin, a researcher at the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences The reporter explained in an interview.

  This "efflux pump" is actually a protein on the cell membrane that can push the drug back out of the cell after being activated. The important reason for tumor resistance is the overexpression of a kind of "ABC transport pump" in cancer stem cells. This transfer pump family is huge, with 49 members currently found, 11 of which are related to multidrug resistance. This research involves a kind of ABCB1 called its family.

  Fortunately, this study also found that this protein does not always betray. The first author of this paper, researchers from the University of Navarra in Spain, mentioned that in previous studies, they have discovered 57 new molecules that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and even kill cancer cells. After reading articles about "similar compounds", they found that selenium compounds can block these efflux pumps.

  Close the drug resistance channel of cancer cells

  is not only selenium compounds, many researchers have devoted themselves to this research in order to combat the drug resistance of cancer cells.

  The scientific research team led by Fu Liwu, director of the Experimental Research Department of the Cancer Center of Sun Yat-sen University, has also been committed to the research of inhibiting tumor multidrug resistance, and found a series of drugs that can reverse or inhibit tumor multidrug resistance. They used the siRNA technology originally used in the field of plant research for the first time in the field of tumor research. They found that after "silencing" the mdr1 gene encoding the transmembrane protein ABCB1, the drug-resistant tumor cells could increase the sensitivity of anticancer drugs. .

  In 2015, Liang Gaolin’s research group from the School of Chemistry and Materials Science of the University of Science and Technology of China designed a strategy that can “smart” self-assemble into nano-drugs in cancer cells, which is similar to the common one by inhibiting the MDR efflux pump action or utilization. Nano-carriers have different methods for loading large amounts of drugs. These nano-drugs slowly release free paclitaxel under the action of cancer cell lactonase to kill cancer cells.

  Looking for cancer cells to drive genetic engineering vast

  Although the research on the driver genes of cancer cells has always been the focus of scientists' research, it is not easy to find the key driver genes from the human body’s star-like DNA and to "precisely strike" them. "What is doing well is EGFR targeted therapy in lung cancer." Ji Hongbin said.

  This time, the Spanish researchers who participated in the research also said: “The ultimate goal of cancer research is to give people whose lives are at risk of cancer more opportunities. Drug development requires a lot of energy and time, and our team is currently showing The result is only preliminary. But investing my efforts in this battle, even at these preliminary stages, satisfied me. I hope that our future work can serve as the basis for the development of new drugs and reach patients who need them. ."