Major breakthrough in tuberculosis research

  Tuberculosis is a disease threatening the public health of the world. Tuberculosis usually takes several months to cure the patient. Currently, there is no effective vaccine to prevent tuberculosis. There are various tuberculosis bacteria all over the world. , And the geographical distribution is different. Among the so-called continental strains, only the so-called strain 4, 10 million new infections and 2 million deaths per year, are mostly caused by this virus. And infection.

  In a recent research report published in the international journal Nature Genetics, 75 scientists from 56 research institutions around the world collaborated to analyze the genetic makeup of tuberculosis in thousands of tuberculosis patients. The researchers found that the type 4 strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis can be genetically divided into multiple sub-strains. Some sub-strains are distributed globally, while others are mainly restricted by geographical distribution. Researchers pointed out that tuberculosis bacteria are usually divided into universal strains with global distribution and special strains for the local ecological environment; tuberculosis bacteria are unique antigens. It has unique characteristics that are almost unchanged. In addition, bacteria can be effectively recognized by the body's immune system. When a strong immune response occurs in the human body, it affects lung health and promotes coughing of the infected person. At the same time, tuberculosis can also be effectively spread from person to person. General doctors often find other ways to treat bacterial infections. This usually increases the diversity of bacterial antigens. Researcher Stefaniemann pointed out that compared with special strains, general strains usually find other methods, which can increase the diversity of bacterial surface antigens and can also produce a variety of general strains. This kind of bacteria produces a special immune response to the human immune system, and usually adopts special molecular strategies that spread around the world.

  This study found that this is very important for the development of new tuberculosis vaccines. The more antigens bacteria adapt to, the more difficult it is for researchers to design specialized vaccines that can effectively fight bacterial infections. Therefore, in the future, researchers will conduct detailed studies to develop a broad-spectrum vaccine combined with mycobacteria. In this study, researchers conducted a detailed analysis of the genetic makeup of tuberculosis in multiple infected individuals through global cooperation, thereby promoting the development of new and complex vaccines, as well as promoting the development of other global diseases such as HIV. development of. Provides new clues for defense. The outbreak of infectious diseases provides specific research foundation and support.