Human youth can also be achieved through DNA drugs

  We all hope to stay young and cure all diseases. Can such a wish be realized? "Recently, at the "Approaching the Master-Nobel Prize Forum" held by China Pharmaceutical University, Nobel Prize winner Aaron Chechanovo asked, "In the future, through the study of DNA, it can be truly realized. Prescribe the right medicine, even by altering gene mutations, interfering in'diseases that may occur in the future'. "

  As the first Israeli to win the Nobel Prize in science, in 2004, together with Israeli scientist Avram Hershko and American scientist Owen Ross, he discovered that ubiquitin-regulated protein degradation (an important part of protein degradation) Mechanism) and jointly won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry that year.

  In recent years, with the development of medical technology, the average life expectancy has been greatly extended, but at the same time, mankind has also paid a new price-new diseases continue to appear. "People are fighting disease about 15% of the time." Ciechanovo pointed out.

  If the accidental discovery of aspirin and penicillin from the 1930s to the 1960s was the first drug revolution, then the combination and screening of compounds from the 1970s to the end of the last century was the second drug revolution. Invented during this period. In Ciechanovo’s opinion, the way such drugs are discovered is like "finding the key to one's house among ten thousand keys." This has brought certain problems. After using the same drugs, some patients Passed away or the condition did not improve significantly, while the condition of another group improved, and some even cured. A follow-up study of patients with breast cancer showed that two patients with the same breast cancer, using the same drug, will have different effects.

  "Therefore, our understanding needs a 180° change. It depends on what is wrong in the DNA of this patient and what is the difference between the DNA of two people with the same disease." Ciechanovo believes, "By predicting the disease in advance, we will Measures can be taken to change these genetic mutations."

  Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie decided to cut off her breasts in order to reduce the risk of breast cancer. The reason why Julie had to undergo surgery was because she knew that her mother had the gene that might make her suffer from breast cancer, so she took measures to remove her breasts in advance to prevent breast cancer.

  Ciechanovo regards the development of new DNA drugs as the third drug revolution in the future. "The third drug revolution is targeted and personalized drugs that can target each person’s genes and doctors can change their behavior. ,prevent disease". It means that even for the same disease, different patients use different drugs, or that the same drug has different effects on different patients. Ciechanovo therefore believes that the era when a medicine can treat all the same diseases will come to an end.