【Animal Modeling】-Chimpanzee HBV Model

      Since the establishment of the HBV surface antigen detection system in the 1960s, chimpanzees are the first animals that are sensitive to human HBV. Chimpanzees infected with intravenous hepatitis B virus isolated from the serum of patients with hepatitis B virus infection may have symptoms of acute viral infection and acute hepatitis. Chimpanzees are the only non-human primates that show cellular immune responses similar to humans after being infected with HBV. This type of model has two indicators that can be used for evaluation. Serological indicators and pathological symptoms of the liver. Next, a chronic hepatitis model of chimpanzees carrying HBV was established. A few years after being infected with the hepatitis B virus, chimpanzees can mimic human chronic hepatitis.

   First, the virus infection in the serum is continuously detected. After collecting liver samples, HBV antigen was detected by immunohistochemistry. HBsAg was present in the cytoplasm and HBcAg was present in the nucleus. In addition, the hilum of chimpanzees carrying HBV has inflammation. At the same time, Southern blotting detected the presence of HBV DNA in liver biopsy samples. Chimpanzee models have been used to study pathogenic mechanisms and evaluate vaccines. For example, this model is used to study the mechanism of HBV continuous replication in vivo, and to evaluate the application of HBsAg and HBcAg antibodies in the treatment of hepatitis B virus infection.

   However, the precious resources of chimpanzees and animal ethics restrict the use of chimpanzee models. Gibbon, orangutan and rhesus monkeys can all be infected with HBV, but no liver shows obvious pathological symptoms of hepatitis after infection.