What methods should be paid attention to when using experimental animal drugs?

  During the production and use of laboratory animals, veterinarians are cautious in the use of drugs, especially therapeutic agents. Generally, the production process of laboratory animals with microbial levels higher than SPF meets strict specifications and does not require drugs. However, in the normal production process of laboratory animals and the use of laboratory animals, proper dosage is essential.

  This article introduces some common problems in laboratory animal management.

  1. Under what circumstances do I need to take medicine? Experimental veterinary drugs are usually divided into preventive and therapeutic drugs. In the normal production process of laboratory animals, preventive administration is very common. Preventive administration can effectively protect animals from certain major infectious diseases or common infectious diseases, and at the same time eliminate common parasites or pathogens carried on animals to ensure animal health. I will. Meet the test requirements. Preventive measures include vaccinations, conventional insect repellents and other animal health measures.

  Remedies include remedies for abnormal animals, anesthetics, painkillers, euthanasia, etc. Remedial measures are needed to effectively alleviate the suffering and suffering of animals and ensure their health and well-being.

  2. What are the preventive measures for the medication during the study?

  During the experiment, the experimental animals may exhibit different types of health problems due to their own health factors, changes in environmental conditions, violation of experimental procedures, toxicity, and side effects of the tested products. These affect the health and well-being of animals and the follow-up process of experiments. In this case, the veterinarian needs to evaluate the health of the animal, propose a specific treatment plan, and adjust the treatment plan or strategy according to the animal's recovery. During the treatment process, the veterinarian should also pay attention to the interference of the treatment plan to the test. If there is potential interference, drug treatment should be more cautious. Ask the veterinarian whether medication is needed, whether it can replace supportive therapy, whether the selected drug will interfere with the experimental results of the test product, the length of the drug metabolism period, and the humanitarian purpose of the treatment plan. Factors such as point selection need to be considered. Toxic research uses a responsible scientific attitude to oppose excessive treatment to "hide" animal side effects.

  3. Are veterinary drugs suitable for laboratory animals?

  Animal health generally refers to comprehensive preventive measures taken to ensure animal health and prevent animal diseases. Taking into account the prevention of livestock diseases and the animal's own health needs, veterinarians have formulated a strict animal vaccination plan, regularly monitor the effect of vaccination, and arrange the vaccination plan according to the vaccination effect. At the same time, the veterinarian said that the animal population itself carries some pathogens or parasites, and there is a risk of animals contacting and ingesting parasites in food and drinking water during the production process. Decisions need to be made based on number performance and health monitoring results. Reasonable animal extinction plan. In view of the limitations of common animal facilities, animals are at high risk of infection or carrying certain pathogens, so giving these animals appropriate antibacterial agents can effectively develop certain diseases. You can prevent it. The veterinarian should set a specific drug holiday based on the characteristics of the drug after the drug is administered and before the animal is sold or the drug is used in the experiment. In order to prevent the abuse of veterinary drugs for preventive purposes, animal production and use agencies are responsible for monitoring the effects of drug use on animal health and subsequent scientific research.

  4. Can I use Chinese herbal medicine as laboratory animals?

  suggests to be cautious on this subject, but this does not mean that Chinese herbal medicines cannot be used in laboratory animals. Our cautious attitude towards Chinese medicine is mainly due to the unclear composition of many Chinese medicines, their toxicity and side effects to animals and the difficulty in choosing the dosage of the medicine. .. These bring uncertainty to scientific research and may harm animal health. Due to the above reasons, it is not recommended to use traditional Chinese herbal medicines in experimental animals, especially ingesting drugs directly or injecting them into experimental animals. Some Chinese herbal medicines used locally on the body surface can be used as needed, but licking or ingesting animals should be avoided as much as possible. If it can be scientifically proven that certain herbal medicines have curative effects under certain conditions, and can solve animal health problems without causing animal health risks, personally oppose the use of this herbal medicine in laboratory animals.