1. Model animals: male or female rats weighing 200-300 g: drugs: pentobarbital, FeCl3 solution, equipment: rat stereotaxic device.
2. Modeling method: anesthetize the rat by intraperitoneal injection of 1% pentobarbital (30mg/kg), fix it with a rat stereotaxic device, and cut a 2mm skin next to the midline after the coronary artery suture after routine disinfection 3 mm, 2-3 mm diameter skull hole, and then cut the dura mater radially. Fix a solution containing 100 mmol/L FeCl3 in a PE tube with a diameter of 0.5 mm on the micro propeller of the orientation device, ensuring that the distal end of the PE tube just touches. Brain cortex; connect the positive electrode of the 100μADC electrophoresis instrument to the FeCl3 solution in the PE tube, and connect the negative electrode to the ipsilateral temporal muscle through acupuncture needles, and conduct electrophoresis for 10 minutes respectively. Drill a 3 mm 0.5 mm bone hole 1 mm before the coronal suture, 0.5 mm on the unilateral midline side, and 1 mm before the chevron suture. Screw each of these three holes into a countersunk screw with a diameter of 0.5 mm and a length of 5 mm, and contact the surface of the dura mater as an EEG recording electrode. After the electrophoresis is complete, an electroencephalogram (EEG) will be recorded for 3 hours. EEG phase: The EEG recorded at 15 and 30 days after electrophoresis is a chronic EEG.
3. Modeling principle Iron has the effect of causing epilepsy. This model is equivalent to the development and pathological changes of acute or chronic partial seizures and traumatic epilepsy.
4. Changes after modeling. The discharge rate of EEG in the acute phase is about 75%. The epileptic wave appeared on the epilepsy side 0.5 hours after electrophoresis and gradually increased, while the epileptic wave on the opposite side appeared 1.5 hours after the peak of electrophoresis and 1 hour after electrophoresis. The epileptic wave tends to stop in about 2 hours. In the chronic phase, the EEG of all animals has epileptiform secretions.
5. Preventive measures Sterilize surgical instruments to prevent surgical infections, surgical trauma should be as small as possible, and strictly aseptic operation. Pay attention to the depth when piercing the skull. If a breakthrough can prevent heavy bleeding, stop immediately. After the operation, the rat can be separated and awakened for 3-5 hours, and then placed in a cage to prevent licking or biting the wound of the unconscious rat during the first awakening. In the breeding room, try to keep the temperature and humidity of the rats at their best.