Animal modeling: revealing the miRNA profile of the reproductive organs of dairy goats for the first time

  MicroRNA (miRNA) is an uncoded smallRNA that performs important functions by targeting and regulating gene expression. A large number of studies have confirmed that miRNAs are involved in the regulation of various biological processes, such as the development and mating of the mammalian reproductive system. Through high-throughput sequencing technology, researchers have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the microRNA expression profiles in human, rat, mouse, bovine and pig testicular tissues, and these miRNAs are significantly conserved and partially retained. I found that it is preserved. miRNA is closely related to mammalian sperm development. Sal tender milk goat is an important economic animal with a short gestation period and can provide humans with fur, meat, milk and other valuable products. It is also an important transgenic animal model for peptide drug research.

  Therefore, it is very valuable to conduct detailed research on the developmental mechanism of the germ cells and organs of suckling goats. To this end, the research team led by Professor Hua Jinlian and Professor Li Xinping of Northwest A&F University used high-throughput sequencing technology to conduct detailed mining and analysis of the miRNA expression profile of the reproductive organs of dairy goats. Yes, the research results were recently published in "Livestock Reproduction". Researchers first used small RNA sequencing technology to measure and analyze the small RNA profile of adult dairy goat testis tissue (the small RNA sequencing project was completed by Lianchuan Biotechnology). T). By comparing the bovine and sheep miRNAs reported in miRBase, 373 conserved miRNAs and 91 new miRNA pairs were identified in the testes of dairy goats. The researchers used quantitative PCR to verify the expression of several miRNAs in the testes of dairy cows and goats. In addition, by comparing the miRNA expression profile of dairy goat tissue with the corresponding miRNA expression profile of cattle and mice, 128 conserved miRNAs can be involved in the development and meiosis of dairy goat testes.

  This study revealed the first miRNA expression profile in dairy goat testes. The evaluation of these miRNAs helps to better understand the molecular mechanisms of dairy goat breeding and development.