Australian scientists discovered that small viral RNA can inhibit dengue virus replication

  A research team from the University of Queensland in Australia has shown in a new study that dengue virus can encode functional viruses and RNA. One is small viral RNA, which has the same function as miRNA, and can specifically target and regulate viral genes. This opens up a new way for the future use of small RNA to inhibit DENV replication. The results of the study were recently published on PNAS.

  Nearly 100 million dengue virus (DENV) infections, including 500,000 dengue haemorrhagic fever, are reported in more than 100 countries/regions each year. Aedes aegypti (Aedesaegypti) and Aedes albopictus (Aedes albopictus) of the genus Aedes are the main spreaders of DENV. MicrornA (miRNA) is a small RNA with regulatory functions and plays an important role in many cellular processes. In the endless "weapon competition" between the host and the pathogen, the virus also encodes miRNA to help the infection succeed.

  In order to find the functional miRNA or viral smallRNA (vsRNA) encoded by DENV, the research team at the University of Queensland in Australia used small RNA sequencing technology to identify Aedes aegypti mosquitoes infected with DENV. We conducted detailed research and function of smallRNA expression profile. The analysis and research results were presented at the recent PNAS. The researchers first constructed two small RNA libraries from A. aegypti infected with DENV and control A. aegypti, and then analyzed small RNAs from DENV (small) using high-throughput sequencing technology. The NA sequencing project "Lianchuan Biology" was completed). Through sequencing, a total of 484 vsRNAs with different length distributions were found, and 6 vsRNAs were screened. Their candidate stem-loop structures are located in the 5'and 3'untranslated regions of viral genome RNA. In order to study the effects of these six vsRNAs on viral RNA replication, researchers can synthesize inhibitors corresponding to the inhibition experiment and simply inhibit DENV-vsRNA-5 to significantly increase viral replication.

  "By silencing RNAi/miRNA pathway related proteins, it was found that Argonaute2 is mainly involved in the biosynthesis of DENV-vsRNA-5. Through cloning and co-immunoprecipitation of the precursor stem-loop, all detection and analysis of viral small RNAs in C6/36 cells (from whitefly) and the mammalian Vero cell line (African green monkey) deficient in RNAi pathway , Confirming DENV-vsNA. There are-5. Not only that, but by analyzing the effects of DENV-vsRNA-5 mimics and inhibitors on the expression level of DENVNA, it also revealed the role of DENV-vsRNA-5 in virus self-regulation. .. This small RNA can target and regulate the non-structure of DENV. Protein 1 gene. It is worth noting that DENV-vsRNA-5 homology mimics from DENV serotypes 1 and 4 can inhibit DENV-2 replication.

  "The above-mentioned research results show that DENV can encode functions and RNA. A small RNA of virus has the same function as miRNA, and can specifically target and regulate viral genes. This opens up a new way for the future use of small RNA to inhibit DENV replication.