Animal experiment: complete salmon genome sequencing

  Atlantic salmon is an important source of protein for residents of Scandinavia and the Americas. A few days ago, an international research team successfully mapped the entire genome of this economic fish. This groundbreaking research can help breeding farms carry out breeding and reduce the impact of aquaculture on wild species.

  This will improve the sustainability of the aquaculture industry, reduce feed demand, increase feed efficiency and reduce the incidence of fish diseases," said Brian Liddell, chairman and CEO of the Pacific Salmon Foundation. For example, seaweed and viruses are salmon. The main threat to farming. Understanding the genetic characteristics of salmon will help farmers solve this problem.

  The research lasted four and a half years and cost 10 million US dollars. The researchers came from Norway, Canada, Chile and British Columbia. Analysis of the salmon genome map shows that the salmon genome sequence is about 3 billion base pairs, which is equivalent to humans. The researchers said that the genome sequence will be provided to researchers.

  This Tuesday, the results of this major scientific research were presented at the International Conference on Salmon Biology in Vancouver.

  Before, researchers have been studying how salmon can fight disease without completing the entire genome sequence of salmon. For example, researchers have found that salmon can resist infectious necrosis of the pancreas caused by bacterial infection. If you know this salmon, you can make full use of its characteristics to improve the salmon species. Whole genome sequencing can better discover the reproductive characteristics of salmon.