Animal experiment: using genetically modified crops to feed salmon to produce fish oil

  According to foreign media reports, British scientists have cultivated a new type of genetically modified camelina plant that can produce oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is beneficial to human health. In addition, this oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids has proven to be a safe alternative to fish oil. By superimposing the camellia gene on the seaweed gene, it is possible to produce fatty acid-rich oil that is only found in fish under normal conditions.

  This is the first example of a new generation of "health products". It changes the genes of plants to produce substances that are beneficial to the human body. This vegetable oil is used to feed artificial fish (such as salmon) to make them rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids also have many benefits to human health. For example, you can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. This makes fish meat more beneficial to the health of consumers. Omega-3 fatty acids (commonly called fish oil) are actually produced by small seaweeds that fish eat. Therefore, people must feed some small fish, because the fish raised under artificial conditions cannot take enough omega-3,

  But now, scientists at the Lausanne Institute in Hartfordshire, UK have replicated and synthesized the gene for this seaweed, Camellia, which is a seed widely used in vegetable oil production. Connect to the gene. This research will change. under these circumstances. Dr. Monica Beatankor, who participated in this research and conducted fish experiments at the University of Stirling in Scotland, said: “At the end of the experiment, after testing the fish with different feeds, the genetically modified plants contained The oil is an effective exchange. The fish oil needed by salmon is expensive. Resource restriction is very important. Obviously, the development of aquaculture cannot meet future demand. It is necessary to develop fish oil such as genetically modified vegetable oil. This is an effective alternative method. ."

  Jonathanapia, who once served as the research leader of the Lausanne Institute in the United Kingdom (Jonathan Bia), said: "The results of this research excite us. For us, the development of metabolic camel plants has always been a fascinating project. We are now Looking for ways to sustainably produce omega-3 fatty acids. The results of this study are also promising because we believe we are moving in the right direction."

  At the same time, we led salmon reproduction research at Stella University. .. Douglas Torcher (Douglas Torcher) said: "Fish is the main source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is difficult to meet the real needs of mankind." A new vegetable oil was specially developed to meet the needs of fish. Growing fish in fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids can ensure the high nutritional value of fish to humans. You can protect wild fish schools.

  GM crops are widely grown in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina and India. Even about 85% of US corn is genetically modified. However, anti-GMO people claim that omega-3 fish oil increases the risk of prostate cancer. It is not clear whether genetically modified fish oil is safe for humans or animals. However, new research shows that salmon eating this genetically modified vegetable oil grows very fast. Professor Christine Williams of the University of London is an expert on the effects of dietary fat on human health and has not participated in this study. "Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are important nutrients for human brain development. Heart health is also very important, but the human body can only produce a small amount of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, most of which are food. This new study shows that long-chain omega A new source of genetic modification of -3 fatty acids can replace fish oil, which makes the fishery the main source of fish for food in the UK and maintains human health. It can provide sufficient long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.