Animal experiment: Artemia is more suitable for biological toxicity research

  Recently, experts from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and other experts published an article entitled "Acute Toxicity of Excavators to Four Aquatic Organisms" in the Journal of Fish Science. In this article, I describe the study of the effect of drilling fluid on Artemia and Mongolia at 21-25°C. Moina, the biological toxicity of Litopenaeus vannamei and goby concluded that Artemia can be used to assess the toxicity of excavators. This is very important for better development of biological toxicity assessment.

  At present, the standard adopted in the biological toxicity test of extractive fluid in my country is GB/T18420.2-2009. Biological toxicity of pollutants from offshore oil exploration and development. Part 2: Inspection method [1]. The test organisms recommended by this standard are larvae and salt water. Artemia larvae, Mongolian Moina (Moinamongolica) and Ctenogobi-usgymnauchen (Ctenogobi-usgymnauchen). According to the half-lethal concentration or maximum invisible effect concentration value of at least one biological toxicity test, determine whether the sample meets the biological toxicity requirements.

  According to the experimental volume ratio of the article, add 1 part of excavation liquid to 9 parts of diluted water (treated natural seawater), stir at 2000-3000r/min for 15 minutes, and then dilute to the maximum mass concentration of the test group. Add, continue to stir for 5 minutes, and let stand. After 60 minutes, use the upper suspension as a stock solution, and set the corresponding mass concentration group and blank control group at equal intervals. The experiment lasted 96 hours, and 5 mass concentration gradients of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 g/L were set. Observe and record the number of deaths in each group at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours, and select the number of deaths (manual rotation test). If the container (the test organism sinking to the bottom of the container) still cannot swim within 15 seconds, it is deemed dead).

  The findings in this article show that there is no significant difference in the LC50 of excavators from various organisms. Among them, Litopenaeus vannamei has the highest semi-lethal concentration, because Litopenaeus vannamei has high requirements for experimental conditions. Although it is difficult to cultivate Moina Mongolia and Shanghaze in the laboratory, Artemia is relatively more convenient for evaluating the toxicity of excavation fluid.