Animal experiment: complete genome sequence map of grass carp

  Recently, a reporter learned from the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences that the genome sequence map of grass carp was completed by the Fish Functional Genomics Research Group. This result was completed in collaboration with the Institute of Hydrobiology, the National Genetic Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Sun Yat-sen University.

  Wang Yaping, a researcher at the Institute of

  , believes that this study used a bullet gun sequence to sequence the entire genomes of a female and a male glass fish (a GB fish (0.9GB)). ) And successfully obtained the male (1.07GB) genome assembly sequence. Among them, the female grass carp is an artificially meiotic female developing individual, because the heterozygosity of the genome is significantly reduced and high-quality assembled sequences are obtained. Male grass carp is a wild individual, and the quality of genome assembly is significantly reduced, but this is an excavation of specific segments of the male genome. Provide basic data. Grass carp is named after herbivorousness. The way they extract nutrients from aquatic plants to support their rapid growth has been a concern for researchers. The results of this study indicate that the grass carp genome lacks cellulose degrading enzyme genes.

  The comparative analysis of the transcriptome showed that during the process of grass carp-grazing transformation, the expression patterns of circadian rhythm-related genes in the intestine were reset, and the mevalonate pathway and steroid biosynthetic pathway in the liver were activated. Grass carp may obtain enough available nutrients through continuous high-intensity food intake to maintain its rapid growth. Kusakoi is a representative species of carp. The analysis of its entire genome sequence provides important technical support for the discovery of genes related to important economic characteristics of the fish and the genetic improvement of cultured species. The theoretical research on quasi-genomic evolution, sex determination and differentiation mechanism has laid an important foundation.