Animal Experiments: Successful interpretation of the whole genome of Chinese cave fish Golden Thread Carp

  BMC Biology, the flagship publication of the BMC series, published online the first article of the magazine at the beginning of the new year. This article is a genome-wide study of the Chinese cave fish golden carp. This research was mainly done by Professor Yang Junxing's team from Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor Shi Qiong's team from Shenzhen Institute of Gene Research Institute of BGI.

  Southwest China is one of the most famous karst regions in the world, with beautiful ground and mysterious underground landscape. This peaceful land has a complex water network, which is staggered up and down, giving birth to abundant cave fish resources. Some typical cave fishes usually have very unique morphological characteristics, such as transparent bodies, degraded eyes, elongated tentacles, and are as mysterious and cute as aliens. According to previous research, China is the country with the most typical cave fishes in the world, and there are many new species that have not yet been discovered. The karst area in southwestern China is a hot spot for new biodiversity. However, compared with the traditional cave model creature Mexican tobacco moth, scientific research on Chinese cave fish is very limited. How did these unique cave features of cave fish evolve? Does evolution have any meaning? Many studies at home and abroad have tried to explore this mechanism, but so far, the adaptability of caves is still a big mystery.

  Golden scorpion is unique to China, and is also a representative group of Chinese cave fish, mainly distributed in the karst area of southwest China. Fish of this genus have certain cave habits, but their phenotypes are very diverse. Some complete cave species have unique cave characteristics (transparency, blindness, etc.), while some surface species are similar to normal fish. This species provides another source for studying cave adaptation of cave fish. The research group of Junxing Yang, a researcher at the Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the research group of Professor Qiong Shi from the Genomics Institute of BGI, chose three kinds of Ch. These are the surface species Sinocyclocheilus grahami (Sinocyclocheilus grahami). Cave seeds-Chinese ring snake (Sinocyclocheilusrhinocerous) and cave seeds-Chinese ring snake (Sinocyclocheilusanshuiensis). Researchers used high-throughput sequencing technology to analyze the entire genomes of three golden scorpions. The genome sizes of these three golden scorpions were 1.75, 1.73, and 1.68 Gb, respectively. In this article, we reconstruct the population history of the three gold bar fishes by calculating the heterozygosity of the genome, and the population dynamics of these three fishes show the large-scale geological movement of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau after Prison. I found it closely related to it. The uplift of the Qinghai Plateau has a significant impact on the formation of seeds in and around the plateau. By comparing the entire genomes of these three fishes, the article found many important genetic changes in cave species: gene loss (such as opsin genes), pseudogene production (such as lens protein genes) and mutations (related to dyes). Genes, etc.), fragment deletion (genes related to proportions, etc.) and down-regulation of gene expression (rhythmic pathway genes, etc.). These changes may be an important genetic mechanism of its typical degenerative characteristics (eye degeneration, skin albinism, scale degeneration, loss of rhythm, etc.). On the contrary, the copy number of some transcription factors related to taste increased. This may be a response to their compensatory evolutionary characteristics, because cave species have more taste buds than surface or semi-cave species. This paper also studies and proposes the morphological characteristics of the corn structure of the cave, the nerve mound of the head, the three-dimensional structure of otoliths and the number of taste buds. Cave adaptation is a long-term process. The degradation of certain properties usually involves the enhancement of certain properties. In the dark cave environment throughout the year, cave fish show different wisdom from surface species because they adapt to extreme environments.

  This study reported for the first time the complete genomes of three Chinese burrow fishes, and provided an important basis for subsequent burrow fish. The cave fish in China is one of our precious biological resources, but this resource is now facing more and more threats. In the early days, a group of researchers, Junxin Yang, posted a post to the journal Science to pay attention to and protect Chinese cave fish . The research team is currently studying cave fish. Research on artificial propagation and preservation in situ and in situ. In the future, we hope to promote the development of conservation through more scientific research. We also hope that more scientists, people and government officials will participate in the protection of cave fish in our country.