Animal experiment: the effect of different feeds on the growth and utilization of mullet goby

  Purpose: Actively study the nutritional requirements of boronicotinamide during the transition period, and provide data reference for the development of special formula feeds and the formulation of relevant standards.

  Method: Use nauplii (Artemiaianauplii, CK) and 7 kinds of commercially available compound feeds (P30L8, P35L8, P50L8, P55L8; P50L12, P53L12, P55L12) to feed transitional beetle larvae for 8 weeks.  Growth experiments include survival rate (SR), weight gain rate (weight gain, WG), specific growth rate (specific growth rate, SGR), feeding rate (feeding rate, FR), feed conversion rate (feed conversion rate) ). It is the basis for determining the rate, FCR) and other growth indicators. Under various nutritional levels, it determines the basic composition of the whole goby (without the intestines).

  Results: SR feeding group SR (51.78±8.98? 68.22±4.95) was WG, excluding control group CK (58.22±6.51) (P\→0.05); P30L8 (130.76±23.67), P50L12 group (220.86±) did not Significant differences. 16.9) In addition, each experimental group is better than the control group CK (206±41.91, P\u003c0.05), and has the same feed crude fat content (8%, 12%; energy value changes little). , WG increases with the increase of crude protein content in feed. For the same SGR crude fat content, SGR increases with the increase of feed crude protein content; FR, FCRP50L8, P55L8, P50L12, P53L12, P55L12 groups are better than the control group CK (1.74±0.36). Similarly, if the feed crude fat When the content is 8%, as the crude protein content increases, the fat content will decrease. In addition, the basic components of goby have nothing to do with the crude protein and crude fat content in the feed (P\u003c0.05).

  Conclusion: A complex diet can be used to replace the biological diet and achieve better growth effects; the crude protein and crude fat content in the diet has an important impact on the basic components of goby. No (P\u003c0.05); when the crude protein content in the feed is 50% and the crude fat content is 8%, the feed utilization rate is the highest, thereby improving the growth effect of goby in the transition period.