Animal experiment: The Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences completed the genome exploration of Litopenaeus vannamei

  Recently, the marine animal regeneration and genetic engineering project team of the Institute of Marine Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has used high-throughput sequencing technology to search and analyze the genome of Litopenaeus vannamei, which is the best marker of shrimp genetics in the world. We have successfully established density. Related research results were recently published in "Science Reports". Postdoctoral researcher Yu Yang and researcher Zhang Xiaojun are the co-lead authors of this article. The results of genome exploration and analysis show that the proportion of repetitive sequences and heterozygotes in the genome of Litopenaeus vannamei is very high, and due to its high complexity, long-term whole-genome sequencing and assembly have begun worldwide. Indicates that the work is delayed. It is believed that this is the current situation. One of the most difficult species to complete or sort. Based on genome exploration, the research team established a high-throughput sequence library and performed simplified genome sequencing on the parents and 205 offspring of all bred siblings.

  The final map contains 44 linkage groups that match the number of chromosomes in the two halves of Penaeus vannamei. The integrated image contains 6,146 markers, the total image distance is 4,271.43cM, and the average image distance between the markers is 0.7cM. At the same time, the team used the graph to successfully find 11 QTLs related to length and 7 QTLs related to weight. This provides important resources for promoting molecular marker-assisted breeding research and selective breeding of the entire genome of Penaeus vannamei.

  Penaeus vannamei is the largest shrimp in China and the world, and the single largest shrimp produced in the world. Cultivating new high-yield and stress-resistant shrimp species is essential for the development of shrimp aquaculture. Dense gene linkage maps can identify QTL loci of key economic characteristics, and use the resulting growth-related molecular markers to support classical breeding, which can significantly accelerate the breeding process of new shrimp species.

  Currently, the research team is adopting a variety of strategies to determine and assemble the entire genome sequence of Litopenaeus vannamei. Using the genome sequence data and BAC end sequencing data collected by the Genomic Statistics Bureau, the initial integration of the gene map, genome assembly scaffold and BAC clone was completed, and then the entire genome sequence assembly and key gene positioning. Laid a solid foundation.