Animal experiment: zebrafish experiment revealed that lily and other traditional Chinese medicine ingredients help to discharge haze particles from the body

  Li Chunqi, one of the country's first "10,000 Talent Program" experts, and his research team used zebrafish technology to add lily and other traditional herbal ingredients to the organism at pm2. We found that it helps to release 0.5 nano-particles or reduce certain damage caused by haze to organisms. Hongzhou Huate Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has carried out the application of zebrafish technology in clinical research of medicine and health food. Passed the evaluation of the expert group. In the experiment, Li Chunqi showed that the researchers first inject impurities such as pm2.5 nanoparticles in the zebrafish into the zebrafish, then enter the zebrafish and gradually diffuse into the organs and blood. Then, the researchers used the zebrafish model to screen the components of various Chinese medicines, and then, the nanoparticles containing certain Chinese medicine components (such as lilies) were ejected by the zebrafish. I found that I can increase the number. According to the experimental results, the composition of our Chinese herbal medicine ingredients is that nanoparticles in the blood can enter the intestine and be excreted from the body, thereby increasing the number of macrophages in the body and swallowing nanoparticles. I know. Li Chunqi said. The research results are published in internationally renowned journals, such as "Nano Medicine" and "Nano Toxicology."

  The only Hangzhou high-tech company equipped with zebrafish technology in the country has launched a new chewing medicine.

  With the release of PM2.5, Chewable Pill is one of the health products developed and mass-produced in cooperation with Comba. "The product formula has been repeatedly verified on the zebrafish biotechnology platform, which can promote the excretion of PM2.5 in zebrafish and promote the phagocytosis of macrophages and the elimination of PM2.5. It was found that PM2.5 can be reduced. Physical injury." Dr. Li Chunqi introduced. "The zebrafish model provides stability, reliability, strong visibility, speed, low cost and high efficiency in terms of efficacy evaluation, toxicity, safety evaluation, and part of the mechanism of action of drugs and health foods. At the Zebrafish Technology Evaluation Conference Last, Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and dean of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and Zhong Ming, director of the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources of China Food and Drug Administration, believe that zebrafish technology will provide new technologies for modern Chinese medicine research.