Why is stem cell expected to become a new pillar of future medical care?

  Stem cells are currently one of the most active research fields. Due to the unique characteristics of self-renewal and directed differentiation, stem cells have a wide range of clinical treatment prospects, such as cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases, blood diseases, liver diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes, osteoarthritis, etc. It is called the "universal unit". The potential market size reaches 400 billion US dollars. Stem cells are three types of pluripotent stem cells (ESC), pluripotent stem cells (EPC, MSC) and monopoly stem cells, depending on their differentiation potential. It is divided into two categories, which are divided into embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells according to the cell source. Adult stem cells are the current research hotspot.

  The future development prospects in the field of stem cell therapy technology in China are impressive. The main signs are:

  1 Huge market demand

  In recent years, cell therapy has become the most advanced tumor treatment method and has attracted the attention of the global medical market. China has also begun to seek the direction of cell therapy industrialization from regulatory policies. At the same time, the "limited opening of stem cell clinical research" and "drug management of cell products" have led to the middle and lower reaches of stem cells. This shows that the industry is beginning to accelerate.

  2 Stem cell technology is becoming more and more mature and popular

  Compared with the mature stem cell industry chain abroad, China’s stem cell industry is still in its infancy. Only the upstream stem cell preparation and storage industry is relatively mature.

  Currently, China's stem cell industry is mainly focused on stem cell storage business. With the development of basic stem cell research and the continuous advancement of technology, the stem cell industry has entered a period of rapid development with the support of various factors such as policy norms, human resource development, and investment mechanisms. Transfer from storage business to stem cell products. R&D and clinical application.

  3 The acceptance of stem cell therapy is gradually increasing

  In recent years, due to the continuous development of stem cell therapy technology, patients' acceptance of stem cell therapy has gradually increased. Stem cell-based therapies are believed to bring new hope for serious chronic diseases such as colitis, diabetes, arthritis, cirrhosis, kidney disease, heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. With the progress of research, the range of diseases that stem cells can treat has gradually become clear. At the same time, the list of diseases that stem cells can treat is also increasing.

  4 Stem cell therapy has broad medical prospects

  The clinical research of stem cell therapy covers more than 140 diseases. In the entire global stem cell market, cell therapy accounts for half of the world, and it is still rising. Overall, the application of stem cell technology has a bright future, and the proportion of stem cell therapy will continue to grow.

  5 The proportion of stem cell therapy in the treatment of various diseases

  Stem cell therapy technology is relatively high in the fields of autoimmune diseases, genetic diseases, bone and cartilage repair, accounting for 17%, 16% and 16% respectively. I'm. , The ratio of the sum of these three is close to 50%.

  6 countries with the top 10 stem cell patent applications

  analyzed the number of stem cell patent applications in each country. As you can see, the number of patent (family) applications in this field is the highest in the United States, and the number of patent (family) applications has reached 14,530. It far exceeds other countries, accounting for 44.84% of the total number of patents (family) in the world. The United States attaches great importance to technology research and development in the field of stem cells. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) invests more than $1 billion in stem cell research each year. With the support of the region represented by the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) and the participation of major US pharmaceutical companies, the United States is jointly developing its stem cell development capabilities. China has applied for 4,535 stem cell patents (family) in this field, ranking second in the world, accounting for 7.93% of the total number of patents (family) in the world. China has been committed to the research and development of stem cells. During the "Five-Year Plan" period, the main national scientific research plan for "Stem Cell Research" was formulated; during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the national major research and development plan was the main feature of "Stem Cell and Translation Research". A project was initiated to further accelerate the clinical transformation of stem cells and technologies related to stem cell therapy. R&D

  7 Conclusion

  According to data, the market size of China's stem cell industry reached 31.55 billion yuan, with an output value of 25.2 billion yuan, an increase of 25.2% over the previous year. In the next few years, the industry will continue to grow rapidly, with strong market demand and broad prospects.

  It is undeniable that the Chinese stem cell therapy market is expanding. Whether it is used as an access standard for clinical research or a standard for stem cell research and development, the market size of stem cells and related fields in China is estimated to exceed 35 billion yuan. Outsourcing, and even institutions related to stem cell and regenerative medicine research services, will occupy a large market share in this industry chain. Therefore, in the early stage of current development, early intervention in the stem cell research industry chain may lead the next round of stem cell industry development.