How to fully understand the safety of mesenchymal stem cell therapy?

  In recent years, mesenchymal stem cells have been widely used in the treatment and research of various diseases. With the continuous output of breakthrough treatment results-giving paralyzed patients a chance to stand up again, helping infertile families realize their fertility dreams, and giving new life to some rare patients who could not do anything in the past-the application prospects of mesenchymal stem cell therapy Become more expansive.

  The potential of mesenchymal stem cells to treat diseases has been confirmed by more and more scientific researches, and this therapy has begun to attract more patients' attention.

  People often leave messages for consultation, how effective and safe is this type of therapy?

  Today we look at some statistics.

  At the end of January 2019, professors Yin Qinwei and Zhu Jun of Peking University Cancer Hospital published in Nature Biomedical Engineering (Nature Biomedical Engineering) and found that mesenchymal stem cells (bone marrow, fat, , Umbilical cord or placenta), no serious adverse reactions were found in animal and human clinical trials, no tumor formation related to transplantation was found, and no death related to transplantation occurred. The previous problems with mesenchymal stem cells were caused by technical reasons and careless application, rather than the problems of the cells themselves.

  This research gave the general public a new understanding of the safety of mesenchymal stem cell therapy.

  In fact, the safety of mesenchymal stem cell therapy has also been confirmed in previously published studies.

  In 2012, data on "PLoS One" showed that mesenchymal stem cells had no adverse effects in the treatment of five diseases including ischemic stroke, Crohn's disease, cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction and graft-versus-host disease. Researchers analyzed 1,012 patients receiving mesenchymal stem cell therapy (involving the above five diseases), and found no treatment-related acute toxicity, organ system complications, infection or malignant tumors.

  Again, in 2018, "Stem Cell Translation Medicine" (Stem Cell Translation Medicine) also has data showing the safety of mesenchymal stem cell therapy. The diseases we focused on this time are acute myocardial infarction and ischemic heart failure. Data analysis of 1148 patients in 23 clinical studies showed that the overall results of mesenchymal stem cells for acute myocardial infarction and ischemic heart failure are positive, and mesenchymal stem cells are safe for the treatment of ischemic heart disease.

  The above listed are all conclusions related to data statistics. In fact, in many published clinical research results, there are many data on the safety of mesenchymal stem cells.

  For example, in 2018 "Stem Cell Reports" published the long-term follow-up results of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of drug-resistant systemic lupus erythematosus, and the final conclusion is: allogeneic mesenchymal stem cell transplantation It is safe and can bring long-term clinical relief to patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Specifically, 81 patients participated in the study. During the 5-year follow-up, 22 patients achieved complete clinical remission and 6 patients experienced partial clinical remission.


  According to the data of ClinicalTrials, the world's largest clinical trial registration system, there are nearly 900 mesenchymal stem cell therapy-related clinical research registrations worldwide. Many of these projects are exploring the safety and effectiveness of mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of certain diseases. With the output of more data, I believe that people will have a deeper understanding of the safety of this type of therapy, and it will also promote more mesenchymal stem cell therapies to the clinical application stage, so that patients can be treated!