Metabolic surgery helps treat high blood pressure

  According to a new study led by Eric Stenberg of Olebro University, metabolic procedures such as gastric bypass surgery and gastric sleeve surgery are not only effective in treating type 2 diabetes and obesity, but also beneficial to obese hypertensive patients. And can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and death.

  Hypertension is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide, especially when combined with morbid obesity. Metabolic surgery has been proven to reduce the risk of many diseases often associated with obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and lethargy, but whether surgery is also effective in treating high blood pressure. It is not clear that in order to evaluate whether metabolic surgery is beneficial for obese and hypertensive patients, the researchers compared two groups of people with these diseases. One group underwent metabolic surgery, while the control group did not. Individuals in these groups were matched by age, gender, and location, and the researchers considered other factors, such as other health conditions and education level. The group that had undergone metabolic surgery had a lower risk of "serious adverse cardiovascular events" (such as stroke, heart attack, and cardiac arrest), and a lower risk of death from any cause. Overall, 3.2% of the surgery group had serious adverse cardiovascular events, compared with 4.5% of the control group.

  This new study shows that for individuals with BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2, metabolic surgery can effectively treat hypertension. Metabolic surgery may not be a global solution to the obesity epidemic, but to treat obesity and hypertension patients, because these related diseases cause many deaths and diseases worldwide. Should be regarded as an effective option.