What are the roles of monocytes in COVID-19?

  In a new study, researchers from the University of Manchester and other research institutions in the UK found that single spheres (a type of white blood cell) released from the bone marrow into the blood have unusual characteristics in COVID-19 patients and are very serious . In infected patients, this abnormality is more serious. By detecting abnormal balls early, doctors may be able to predict which patients are more likely to develop severe COVID-19. So far, this study provides the strongest evidence that single balls may be an important target for COVID-19 treatment.

  However, these researchers said that it is not clear whether the abnormal ball is released from the bone marrow or changes after entering the blood. Based on this, treatments that prevent its release from the bone marrow may help reduce excessive immune responses, which can lead to adverse consequences for patients with severe COVID-19.

  Scientists already know that the single ball is the largest type of white blood cell, is an important part of the infected lung, and plays a role in protection and repair. These researchers analyzed more than 100 blood samples of COVID-19 patients admitted to four hospitals in the Greater Manchester area, and showed the trend of biological development into serious diseases at various stages during hospitalization. I found a mark.

  The co-author of the paper, Dr. John Grainger from the University of Manchester, said: "Our research has once again emphasized the importance of the innate immune system in COVID-19. We will eventually share our findings and hope it will be better. Please provide relevant information. Information on the treatment of this catastrophic disease."