【Animal Experiment】-Methods of Animal Immunization

  In order to ensure that animals obtain the expected immune benefits after vaccination, it is necessary to understand the correct vaccine usage when using the vaccine. Each vaccine has its own immune program and function, and choose the best vaccination route. Attenuated vaccines should imitate natural transmission routes as much as possible, and inactivated vaccines (subcutaneous, intramuscular) should be injected, and the method should be correct and operable.

  (1) Poultry vaccination method

  Poultry vaccination methods include drinking water, nasal drops, eye drops, aerosol, puncture, anal application, subcutaneous injection, intramuscular injection, intravenous injection, etc. I will.

  1. Drinking water immunity is calculated based on the water consumption of poultry. Dissolve 3 times the amount of oral vaccine in water and put it in a waterer or bucket so that poultry can drink freely and within 2 hours. ..

  Drinking water immunity should pay attention to the following issues:

  (1) When using drinking water for immunity, it is necessary to increase the vaccine dose. Poultry will lose some food when drinking water, so 2-4 times is usually appropriate.

  (2) Do not use tap water to dilute the vaccine. The tap water contains a disinfectant that inactivates the vaccine. You can use distilled water, non-ionized water or deep well water. To protect the vaccine, 0.1% skimmed milk powder can be added to drinking water.

  (3) The drinking fountain should be sufficient to ensure that all poultry can only get enough vaccine in a short time, and the drinking fountain should be kept clean to avoid reducing the efficacy of the vaccine. Do not.

  (4) Before taking the vaccine, please stop drinking water for 2-4 hours (the length of time depends on the weather), so that the birds can take the vaccine as quickly as possible and consistently. Drinking time should be controlled within 2 hours. (5) The amount of water used to dilute the vaccine is appropriate. Water consumption is calculated based on poultry water consumption and increased appropriately (approximately 120% of water consumption).

  (6) Do not use disinfectants in drinking water within 2-3 days before and after immunization.

  Benefits: save time, effort, reduce stress, simple and easy.

  Disadvantages: The amount of vaccine consumed by each bird is different, and the immune effect is uneven.

  2. Instillation and nasal drip methods allow the vaccine to enter the human body through the respiratory tract. In chicks, the vaccine virus can be neutralized by the maternal antibody, or the vaccine virus can be prevented from being neutralized by the maternal antibody, which can stimulate local immunity with good results. This is one of the best immunization methods. 1. Suitable for immunization against Newcastle Disease II, IV, CL30, H120 vaccines. This method is usually used for the initial immunization of Newcastle disease. This method is suitable for Newcastle Disease II and IV vaccines and chicken spray vaccines.

  Operation: Dilute the vaccine with distilled water or saline. After the vaccine enters the eyes and nose, the operator holds the body of the chicken with his left hand, holds the head with his thumb and fingers, and then uses a dropper (movement limit of 0.05 ml) to put the first drop of vaccine into his right hand. , Let go of the chicken. Operate quickly to prevent dripping and shaking your head. Before diluting the vaccine, calculate the number of drops to be 1 ml, usually 20 drops.

  3. Aerosol method Aerosol immunity forms local antibodies on the surface of the trachea and bronchus of poultry, which effectively prevents pathogens from entering the respiratory tract, and has a positive effect on the resistance to Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis. bring.

  Operation: The nozzle is 0.5-1m away from the head of the chicken, and the distance between people is 2m. Use compressed air to spray the diluted vaccine onto the aerosol generator to form a local spray area to achieve the purpose of immunity. The following points should be noted when applying this method:

  (1) The dose should be doubled so that the chicken can inhale enough vaccine.

  (2) Dilute the vaccine with distilled or deionized water, and then add 0.1% skimmed milk powder.

  (3) The size of the spray particles is moderate, too large that the air is too short and not easily absorbed by the chicken, and too small to be sucked out by the chicken and affect the effect. Chicks should be sprayed with particles larger than 50 microns in diameter, with uniform immunity and slightly moisturized. Adult chickens should be sprayed with particles of 5-20 microns. The mist particles are too large to stay in the air for a short time, are easily blocked by the mucous membrane, cannot enter the respiratory tract, and are easy to cough. (4) During spray immunization, the temperature of the poultry house should be about 20°C, and the humidity should be 70% or higher to prevent the mist from evaporating quickly.

  (5) The site must be sealed to reduce airflow. When spraying early or late while it is hot, you need to open the doors and windows 20 minutes after spraying. The lights must be turned off carefully to protect personnel and prevent electric shock.

  Benefits: It saves time and energy, and is particularly effective for certain respiratory vaccines, such as Newcastle Disease II, IV, Clong30 attenuated vaccine, and infectious bronchitis attenuated vaccine. Disadvantages: Anti-stress drugs and antibiotics should be used before and after immunization to prevent air sacs from inflammation, because air sacs increase pressure and exacerbate chronic respiratory diseases and bronchitis caused by E. coli.

  Four. The chickenpox vaccine was stabbed.

  Operation: Dilute 1,000 vaccines with 4-5ml of normal saline, and shake well. The assistant should hold the chicken leg with one hand and the wings with the other hand, support the chicken back and lie down. The operator holds the tip of the other wing with his left hand, and dips the tip of the inoculation needle or pen with the right hand to inoculate and stab the chicken wings. 5-10 days after sowing, check the needle of 1 chick and the response of 2 chicks to the inner avascular zone wing membrane. If there is no clean lid, please refill. 5. The method of smearing or wiping the anus is only used to remove the highly toxic vaccine for infectious laryngotracheitis.

  Operation: Dilute 1,000 vaccines with 30 ml of normal saline. The assistant lifted the chicken upside down, held the abdomen with his hand, and found the anal mucosa. The operator dropped a drop of vaccine or soaked the vaccine with a sharp brush, and then wiped the anus. 7. The intramuscular injection of the common breeding and oviposition group is usually used to vaccinate various inactivated vaccines before birth. The injection site is usually chest muscles, muscles near the wing and shoulder joints, or muscles on the outside of the legs. Pay attention to thoracic injections and insert the needle at an angle forward to prevent insertion of the liver, heart, and thoracic cavity during the leg muscle injection, and to prevent leg nerve puncture. Used for

  The specific vaccination method of vaccination should be determined according to the vaccine requirements, the age of the cattle, the reproductive status, production performance and the number of epidemic prevention personnel.

  (2) Immunization methods for livestock

  Livestock immunization methods are nasal drops, oral administration, stinging, injection (subcutaneous, intramuscular), etc. Each vaccine has the best vaccination method.

  1. Connect the 1-1.5 cm long latex tube to the continuous nasal drop syringe, and then insert the latex tube into the 1 cm nasal cavity for injection. This method is applicable to immunization of freeze-dried vaccines against pseudorabies.

  2 Orally or drink water, use a continuous syringe to connect a latex tube with a length of 1-1.5 cm, insert the latex tube into the oral cavity for injection, or drink directly. It is suitable for bovine disease immunity of cattle, sheep and pigs.

  3. Intradermal injection is suitable for tuberculosis quarantine and sheeppox vaccination. After disinfection, hold the wrinkled skin with your left hand and pierce the skin along the wrinkle.

  4. Subcutaneous injection of the left thumb and index finger, pinch the skin under the neck or the back of the shoulder blade to form a wrinkle, put the needle in the right hand at the bottom of the wrinkle, quickly puncture, quickly puncture, slowly press the drug, the injection is completed, and pull out The needle is then immediately wiped with a red cotton cloth to disperse the drug solution.

  5. For intramuscular injection, please choose muscle parts such as neck and buttocks. Fix the injection site with your left hand, hold the syringe with your right hand, pierce the needle vertically into the muscle, fix the syringe with your left hand, and pull out the needle core with your right hand. If the blood does not return, inject slowly. If the blood returns, please relocate it. For patients with anxiety disorder or thick skin that are difficult to pierce, remove the needle, pinch the tail of the needle with the thumb, index and middle fingers of the right hand, quickly pierce the muscle at the puncture site, and then connect a syringe to inject the drug solution.