Genetic research reveals the relationship between human and animal superbugs

  Through genetic studies, researchers have identified the main reasons why human and animal diseases can spread across races. These findings provide a new perspective on the origin of the new pathogenic superbug (Staphylococcus aureus). Experts say this research will help improve the use of antibiotics and devise better strategies to stop the spread of this bacteria.

  Staphylococcus aureus usually lives in our noses and is harmless to the human body, but when the bacteria enter our body, they can cause infections and even fatalities. Drug-resistant strains (such as MRSA) are one of the main causes of infectious diseases that require hospitalization. These bacteria also cause agricultural burdens because they cause mastitis in cattle and bone infections in broilers.

  A research team led by the Roslin Institute of Edinburgh University analyzed the genetic material of more than 800 Staphylococcus aureus isolated from humans and animals. Researchers are looking to discover the evolutionary history of these bacteria and important events that allowed them to spread to the race. They found that humans may be the first host of these bacteria, and the bacteria that can infect domestic animals were originally obtained from animals raised in agriculture. Researchers have discovered that dairy cows are now one of several sources of bacteria that cause human infections worldwide. Researchers believe that this shows that monitoring human and animal diseases is important to prevent major epidemics. The analysis also showed that every time a bacterium crosses a species, it needs a new gene that can maintain its survival in the new host. In some cases, these genes also allow bacteria to develop resistance to commonly used antibiotics. The study also found that genes related to antibiotic resistance are unevenly distributed among bacteria that may infect humans and animals.

  Researchers believe that this is related to the use of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture. Researchers say that studying how bacteria are affected by genetic mutations after cross-matches will help develop new antibacterial therapies. It also helps control infections, reduces the risk of transmission to humans, and delays the development of antibiotic resistance.