【Model Animal】-Commonly used mouse strains


  "BALB/c mice form many sub-lines, such as BALB/cAnN, BALB/cJ, BALB/cCd." The genotype of BALB/c mice is Aabbcc. The color of the coat is white. The incidence of breast cancer is low, but it is sensitive to carcinogenic factors. The incidence of breast tumors is about 10% to 20%. There are several types of ovarian tumors, adrenal tumors, lung tumors and leukemias. The incidence of lung cancer is 26% in women and 29% in men. The incidence of leukemia is 12% for women and 10% for men. Compared with other inbred mice, it has the highest blood pressure and spontaneous hypertension. Older mice suffer from certain heart diseases, and male and female mice usually suffer from arteriosclerosis. Almost all 20-month-old male mice have amyloidosis. It is sensitive to Salmonella typhimurium C`5, slightly sensitive to measles virus, prone to chronic pneumonia, and very sensitive to radiation. Organs rich in reticuloendothelial cells (such as the liver and spleen) make up most of the body weight. It is commonly used in monoclonal antibody and immunological research. BALB/c mice are highly productive, have a long breeding period, usually do not have the habit of penetrating each other, and are easy to breed in groups. Life expectancy: 509 days for men, 561 days for women, 648 days for men and 816 days for women. The average weight of 252-day-old male rats is 30 g, and the average weight of female rats is 28 g. The genotype of C57BL mice is aaBBCC. The coat color is black. C57BL mice are more sensitive to Graffi leukemia factor. Sensitive to measles virus. The incidence of breast tumors is very low. The spontaneous incidence of reticuloma is less than 10% in women and less than 4% in men. Pituitary adenomas occur in older animals. Senile nephrosclerosis is common. Some subfamilies have hereditary hydrocephalus. C57BL mice are not very sensitive to the induction of chemical carcinogens, but after whole body irradiation, the incidence of lymphoma reaches 90% to 100%. There are 6 lumbar vertebrae and many bone changes. Different from other C57BL and C58, C57BL/He and C57BL/An sub-lines are equipped with very effective Ce element liver degrading enzymes. C57BL mice are suitable for digging holes, non-ground mice, and are not sensitive to the ability to escape invasion. In an SPF-free environment, the life expectancy of breast-fed formula is 580 days, and that of male rats is 645 days. C3H/He mice: In 1920, C3H mice were bred through strong inbreeding of Albinism female mice with Bagg and male DBA mice. C, CBA, CH1 and C121 lines also come from this hybrid combination. From Strong to An Defang in 1930. After nearly 35 generations, he went to Heston to become C3H/He in 1941. By 1975, the reproduction reached more than 135 generations. Nowadays, C3H/He mice are widely used in various places, forming many sub-rows, such as C3H/HeN, C3H/HeJ, etc. The genotype of C3H/He mice is AABBcc. The color of the coat is white. The incidence of spontaneous liver cancer in 14-month-old mice reached 85%. The incidence of natural breast tumors: an average of 90% female female mice (318-day-old females are 100%, 234-day-old females are 67%) and 272-day-old males are 84%. High complement activity. Average body weight on day 168: 32 grams for female rats and 34 grams for male rats.

  Closed colony, also called parent:

  KM mice: Kunming mice, this toxin has always been the most produced and used inbred group of mice in China. It is widely used in pharmacology in scientific and other fields of research, as well as in the manufacture and verification of drugs and biological agents. In 1926, the Rockefeller Institute in the United States introduced Swiss albinism mice to breed Swiss mice. On March 17, 1944, Tan Feifan of the Institute of Biological Products of the Beijing Ministry of Health introduced a Swiss rat from the Hofkin Institute in India and raised it at the Central Epidemiological Prevention Institute in Kunming, China. Since this kind of mouse was first introduced in Kunming, it was called Kunming mouse, and it is the origin of the name of the Kunming mouse strain. Because KM mice have a large gene pool and high gene heterozygosity, many inbred lines of KM mice have been bred in China. KM mice have white coats and become sexually mature at 54 days of age. Male mice weighed 31 g, with an average daily weight of 0.55 g, and female mice weighed 0.37 g. The average size of litter is 7.25, the survival rate from weaning is 82.15%, and the fetal interval is 30.9 days. Tumors have a high spontaneous incidence, accounting for 22% of excluded mice, and they appear from the first pregnancy. After more than 50 years of reproduction, the spontaneous incidence of tumors in KM mice is very low. The closed populations of Kunming mice bred in different locations have certain differences in growth, development and reproductive performance. However, their common characteristics are strong disease resistance, strong adaptability, high reproduction rate and high survival rate.

  ICR mice: Hauschka uses Swiss mouse populations for breeding, and chooses to breed. Then, the American Cancer Institute distributed it to various countries for breeding experiments. This country is called ICR.

  Institute of Genetics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1973, National Cancer Institute of the United States in 1979, Animal Center of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (now our Institute) in 1979, Peking University in 1978, introduced by the Institute of Genetics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1973, in 1979 Introduced by the National Cancer Institute of Japan, introduced by the Beijing Institute of China in 1978, introduced by the Shanghai Family Planning Institute of the Zurich Institute of Toxicology in 1983, introduced by the Branch Animal Center of the Academy of Medical Sciences (now our institute). Variety characteristics: Albino leather. Strong adaptability, strong physique, strong fertility, fast growth, and excellent experimental reproducibility. The incidence of spontaneous teratomas and tubular adenomas in female rats ranges from 0% to 1%. The incidence of teratoma and renal tubular adenoma caused by urethane from 11 to 16 days of embryonic stage was 5.9% of weaned individuals, 30% of renal tubular adenoma and bladder tumor, and the incidence of pregnant mice 3%. A group of internationally used closed mice. China has introduced ICR from the United States, Japan, United Kingdom and Switzerland. Inevitably, there will be some differences in genetic traits between groups, so be careful when using them. ICR/JCL mice are experimental animals commonly used for immune drug screening and pathological model replication. Peripheral blood and bone marrow cells are highly stable and suitable for hematology experiments. It is widely used in scientific research, manufacturing and education, such as pharmacology, toxicology, oncology, radiology, food and biological products.

  IH mice: NIH mice are raised by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This coat is white. Mice are characterized by strong fertility, high litter survival rate and aggressive males.

  CFW mouse: The CFW mouse was first introduced in China by the National Cancer Institute in 1973. This coat is white. The mouse was derived from the Webster mouse and was introduced by Carwerth of the Rockefeller College in 1935. After nearly 20 generations of inbred siblings, they used random mating. LACA mice: LACA mice were first introduced to China by the British Squirrel Laboratory Animal Center in 1973. This coat is white. After the LACA mouse was actually introduced into the British Laboratory Animal Center, the LACA mouse was renamed.

  IH mice: NIH mice are raised by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This coat is white. Mice are characterized by strong fertility, high litter survival rate and aggressive males.

  Mutantstrain (mutantstrain)

  nude mouse: nude mouse. In 1962, Britain accidentally discovered hairless individuals in hybrid mice. Two years later, it was confirmed that flanagan was a mutant different from ordinary hairless mice and was called a nude mouse. Mice are congenital athymic, and their T lymphocyte function defects are caused by recessive mutant genes. The gene is located on the 11th chromosome pair, and "u" is usually used to refer to the naked gene symbol. By introducing the naked gene "u" into other strains of mice, different mutant strains can be obtained. Mutant strains commonly used in nude mice include BALB/c-nu, NC-nu, C3H-nu and Swiss-nu. The main characteristics of homozygous nude mice (nu/nu): hairless, nude mice, athymic. Newborn nude mice are characterized by no nose hair, and usually their toes shrink and deform into a spiral shape. Adult women have irregular estrus and small ovaries. Chorionic gonadotropin cannot induce ovulation. Male sperm are not curled. After 3 weeks, the regulators of newborn nude mice slowed down significantly. Luo Xiaoshu's homozygotes are almost completely hairless, with sparse striped hair on the back, thin skin and wrinkles. The skin pigment BALB c-nu is bright red and white eyes; C3H-nu is gray and black eyes; C57BL-nu is dark gray to black, with normal motor function. Nude mouse thymus contains only fragments or abnormal epithelium, unable to differentiate T cells normally, and lacks the help, inhibition and killing functions of mature T cells. As a result, cellular immunity is poor and normal T cell function is lost. However, the function of its B lymphocytes is basically normal. Adult nude mice (6-8 weeks old) have higher NK cell activity than normal mice, while surgical operations (3-4 weeks old) have lower NK cell activity, and nude mice have higher granulocyte granulocytes than normal mice. It's getting lower and lower. The discovery of Luo mouse provides rare model materials for oncology and other research, making it one of the indispensable experimental animals in the field of medical research. Sc Scid mice: severely combined immunodeficiency mice. Bomsa discovered an inbred strain of C.B-17 mice in the United States in 1983. Scid mice are caused by a single recessive mutation called Scid on the 16th pair of chromosomes. The appearance of the Scid mouse is not much different from that of a normal mouse, with its furry white coat and normal weight. However, the weight of the thymus, spleen and lymph nodes is less than 30% of the normal body weight, and histological manifestations are obvious defects in lymphocytes. The thymus is surrounded by multiple adipose tissues without cortical structure, leaving only the medulla, which is mainly composed of epithelioid synthetic fibroblasts and occasionally local lymphocytes. The white meat of the spleen is not obvious, the red meat is normal, and the spleen has no lymphocyte accumulation, mainly composed of reticulocytes. There is no obvious cortical area in the lymph nodes, and the gluten cortical area is missing and occupied by reticulocytes. The submucosal and bronchial lymph nodes of the small intestine are rare, and there is no accumulation of lymph nodes within the structure. It is particularly noteworthy that a small number of Scid mice may show some recovery of immune function during adolescence. This is a leakage phenomenon in Scid mice. The leakage phenomenon is not hereditary, but is related to the age, strain and breeding environment of the mice. Scid mice are susceptible to infection and can survive in a very clean SPF environment for more than one year. Both sexes can produce 3-5 liters of water. Scid mice are valuable immunodeficiency animals discovered by humans after the emergence of nude mice. The use of Scid mice is becoming more and more common in the fields of oncology and immunology.