[Animal experiment]-Stability analysis of peptidase-3 samples in homogenate

  Purpose: Objective Peptidase-3 analyzes the stability of the samples, understands the storage and transportation conditions of the samples, and takes appropriate measures to ensure that the quality of the proficiency testing samples meets the implementation of the proficiency testing activities.

  Method: Prepare samples in accordance with the national standard GB/T14927.1-2008, set -20℃, 4℃, room temperature, and 37℃ as 4 temperature check points, respectively, 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d. 5d, 6d, 7d, 14d and 28d are 9 checkpoints for stability check.

  Result: Peptidase-3 samples can be stored stably at 37°C for 1 day, and at 4°C, room temperature and -20°C for 28 days.

  Conclusion: During the implementation of this project, the storage and transportation conditions of Peptidase-3 samples must be strictly controlled.