【Model Animal】-Application of Experimental Mice in Biomedicine

  Among the mammalian experimental animals, mice are small in size, easy to raise and manage, easy to manage, rapid production and reproduction, in-depth research and clear quality control standards, making it possible to maintain inbred lines. In recent years, there have been many mutant strains and closed group. Due to the rapid increase in the reproduction of genetically engineered mice, various experimental studies have found that they are the most abundant and widely used.

  1 Safety and toxicity tests using mice, new safety tests for food, cosmetics, medicines, and chemicals (acute, subacute, chronic, toxicity test, teratogenicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity). Tests, etc.) with a semi-lethal dose, etc.

  2 The determination of biological effects and the comparison of drug efficacy include the identification of biological factors such as serum and vaccines, and biological effect experiments, which are widely used to determine the efficacy of drugs.

  3 Most drug screening tests start in mice and screen various drugs to prevent the disease. After screening shows the therapeutic effect of each drug, other animals will further confirm it.

  4 Microbial Parasite Research Mice are susceptible to a variety of pathogens, especially in virology research. It is suitable for the study of schistosomiasis, malaria, trypanosomiasis, influenza encephalitis, rabies, polio, meningitis lymphatic vessels, mycoplasma, Pasteurella and Salmonella.

  5 In radiology research, the response of mice to radiation is equivalent to that of humans, which can be used to study radiation dose, radiation effects, etc.

  6 Tumor leukemia research mice are widely used because of their high tumor incidence, inbred strains with histocompatibility and easy transplantation. Spontaneous tumors in mice can be used to screen anti-tumor drugs. You can induce various tumors, create tumor models, and study the etiology and causes of tumors. Some inbred mice belong to the high cancer line, while some belong to the low cancer line. This is more convenient and beneficial for studying tumor development.

  7 Family planning research. Mice have regular cycles of estrus, ovulation and pregnancy. A study with clear pregnancy indicators, easy detection, low price, and very suitable for fertility treatment, prevention of implantation, prevention of early pregnancy, prevention of ovulation, and contraception. 8 Antitussives are used to study the cough response of mice. This function can be used to research antitussives, making them the experimental animals that need to be selected.

  9 There are many kinds of genetic disease research mice, some of which have naturally occurring genetic diseases. For example, mouse melanosis, familial obesity and hereditary anemia. Like human diseases, it can be used as an animal model for human genetic diseases. 10 Immunology showed a variety of immunity, including pure New Zealand black mice (NZB) with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, AKR/N strain mice and complement C5 deficiency, and CBA/N mice without BBA. Research-deficient mice immunodeficiency is a kind of experimental animal suitable for studying the immune system and immunodeficiency.

  11 The short life span and short transit time of 11 aging research mice make them very useful for geriatric research. Many studies on anti-aging drugs can be done in mice.