【Model Animal】-General feeding and management of mice

  Raising and managing rats is very complicated. The breeder has a strong sense of responsibility to check the status of rats at any time and quickly correct any problems. In order to keep the breeding work tidy, it is necessary to coordinate various tasks and establish certain working procedures so that the breeders do not miss a specific job, and it is also convenient for the managers to check at any time.

  1. Feeding

  Rats have a low stomach capacity and can be eaten at any time. These animals are polyphagous. Adult rats usually consume 3 to 7 grams of feed per day, and young rats usually consume 1 to 3 grams of feed per day. It should be fed 3 to 4 times a week. The squirrel cage funnel should always have enough fresh and dry bait. For large mice, food can be added 2 days a week or other times at any time. According to the growth and development characteristics of mice at different stages, different feeding standards are required. Reproductive rodents and production rodents often cross and reproduce, so the burden of breeding female rodents is high, and energy consumption is high. It is necessary to mix the eggs with a small amount of sunflower seeds, malt and soft eggs. material. The supply of sunflower seeds per adult rat is 0.5-1 g/day. However, due to microbial conditions, wheat teeth and soft materials are more difficult to control and have been eliminated, but are used exclusively for all nutrition of granular materials. In other words, they have been replaced by vitamin mixtures.

  2. Water supply

  Use a water supply bottle to supply water and change the water 2-3 times a week. Adult rats usually drink 4-7 ml per day. If you want to drink continuously, check the cork frequently to prevent the bottle from leaking. The mice were dehydrated and died due to drowning of animals or obstruction of drinking water pipes. In the process of absorbing water, food particles in the mouth and saliva are poured into the water bottle. To prevent the water bottle from being contaminated by microorganisms, clean the water bottle and suction pipe when changing the water. It is strictly forbidden to continue to use non-sterile bottles.

  3. Hygiene and disinfection

  Change beds at least twice a week. When exchanging rubbish, remove the breeding box together and place it in a dedicated room to prevent dust and pollution in the room. Animal litter for animals exceeding Class I must be autoclaved before use.

  Keep doors, windows, walls and floors free of dust and keep the room tidy.

  We maintain a small disinfection system every month, and conduct a large-scale disinfection every quarter. That is to say, use 0.1% of Zealmei spray air every month for disinfection, use 3% Lysul for outdoor disinfection, and use peracetic acid (0.2%) for spray once a quarter. Cages and utensils should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a month, and other utensils in the rat house should be cleaned as needed. It can be autoclaved or immersed in 0.2% peracetic acid.

  requires a replacement room, and after 1 year of use in the breeding room, all mice will be raised, and the original breeding room will be completely repaired and disinfected.

  4. Animal health appearance inspection

  This is a routine task to check animal health. The criteria for judging the health of the mouse by the appearance of the mouse are as follows. ⑤The wings are black and look like wheat.

  5. Sex discrimination

  Adult mice are easy to distinguish, male mice have obvious scrotum, female mice can see vaginal opening and 5 pairs of nipples. Pups and young mice are mainly judged by the distance between the external genitalia and the anus. The closer the female is, the farther the male is. In addition, female mice have hairless furrows between the anus and genitals, while male mice have hairless furrows between the anus and genitals. In addition, female rats have far more nipples than male rats.