Reversing age-related injuries-animal modeling

  In a recent study published in Nature Metabolism, a research team from the University of Bern and Bern University Hospital in Switzerland found that using new cell therapies in animal models can prevent or even partially destroy these two age-related injuries. The performance is retrograde. The immune system function of the elderly continues to decline with age, making them more susceptible to infections. This is especially noticeable during seasonal flu outbreaks and other viral diseases such as new coronary pneumonia. The elderly are particularly vulnerable to infectious agents and often exhibit higher mortality rates because the effectiveness of vaccines is greatly reduced in the elderly.

  In addition to age-related weakened immunity, elderly people are usually affected by physical weakness, which may adversely affect their quality of life. Even if the average life expectancy of humans continues to increase, the increase in life expectancy will also bring about age-related health problems.

  The important role of belly fat in the aging process

  The research team has set out to find new ways to improve the health of the rapidly growing elderly. For many years, scientists have speculated that chronic mild inflammation will accelerate the aging process and the development of age-related diseases. Previous research has shown that visceral fat tissue (called abdominal fat) is essential for the development of chronic mild inflammation. Researchers report that certain immune cells in abdominal fat play an important role in regulating chronic mild inflammation and age-related processes. Their research proved that these immune cells can be used to reverse this process. Abdominal fat is the cause of chronic inflammation. The team has confirmed that eosinophils are immune cells that mainly exist in the blood circulation and are also present in the abdominal fat of humans and mice. Although eosinophils are traditionally believed to prevent parasitic infections and allergic respiratory diseases, eosinophils located in abdominal fat can participate in maintaining local immune homeostasis. With age, the frequency of eosinophils in abdominal fat decreases and the number of pro-inflammatory macrophages increases. Due to this imbalance of immune cells, abdominal fat can cause the systemic accumulation of pro-inflammatory mediators in the elderly.

  Eosinophilic therapy can promote youth

  Next, researchers may reverse the age-related damage by restoring the homeostasis of immune cells in visceral fat tissue. I learn. Dr. Alexander Eger, the corresponding author of the study, said: "Transplanting eosinophils from young mice to old mice through a variety of experimental methods can reduce local and systemic mild inflammation." I did. "

  The researchers added: "In these experiments, we have observed that eosinophils selectively invade fat tissue. This method has a rejuvenating effect on the aging body. Therefore, it has durability and durability. Through the grip strength test This therapy further enhances the physical strength of older animals and has a restorative effect on the immune system, which is manifested as an improvement in the immune response of older mice."

  study co-author Dr. Mariooti said: This shows that the biological process of aging and related functional impairment is more plastic than previously thought. Importantly, the age-related changes in the distribution of fat immune cells observed in mice have also been confirmed in humans. "

  Dr. Eggel Saeed: "Our future research direction is to use existing knowledge to establish targeted treatments to promote and maintain healthy human aging."