An animal model of choroidal neovascularization in brown Norwegian rats induced by 532nm laser with different powers

  Purpose: Use the different powers of 532nm laser to guide the choroidal angiogenesis model of Norwegian brown rat and find the laser power with the highest modeling rate.

  Method: 45 Norwegian brown rats were randomly divided into 3 groups, 15 in each group, laser output 400mW, 300mW, 200mW, spot diameter 100μm, exposure time 100ms, and the photocoagulation time was 10-12 points per eye. In the first week, the second week, the third week, and the fourth week after the laser modeling of the rats in each experimental group, fundus color photography, fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography were performed, and the experimental data were counted.

  Results: The color of the fundus showed that the laser-induced retina showed edema due to the destruction of the glass membrane; fluorescein angiography showed that there was a leakage rate between 200mW and 300mW and 400mW laser within the first 4 weeks. Indicates that it was induced, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05), the leakage rate in the second and fourth weeks was statistically significant (P0.05), the first week, third, second and third week The difference in leakage rate was statistically significant (P0.05). Optical coherence tomography showed that the result of retinal destruction was chaotic, followed by the induction of choroidal angiogenesis, which eventually stabilized, and some retinal structures atrophied and thinned.

  Conclusion: 200mW, 300mW and 400mW 532nm laser may induce the formation of a model of choroidal angiogenesis in Norwegian brown rats. At the highest modeling rate of 300mW, choroidal angiogenesis began to form after 1 week and reached a peak at 3 and 4 weeks. The knees tend to stabilize.