How to anesthetize laboratory animals?

  1. Inhalation anesthetics are inhaled through the respiratory tract in the form of steam or gas. This is called inhalation anesthesia, and ether is often used as an anesthetic. The advantage of the inhalation method is that it has excellent anesthesia effects for most animals, is easy to adjust the depth of anesthesia, and can quickly terminate anesthesia. It has the disadvantage of being suitable for small and medium animals. The operation of inhalation anesthesia for large animals (such as dogs) is very complicated and is usually not used.

  If you want to anesthetize rabbits, rats and mice with ether, put the animals in a glass anesthesia box, and put the anesthetic in a small beaker with an anesthetic cotton ball. It is observation. The animal started to move on its own, and soon the animal was very excited, struggling, urinating and defecate. Gradually, the animal changed from excitement to inhibition, paralyzed, and breathing slowly. If the tension of the animal’s limbs is significantly reduced, the corneal reflex becomes dull, and the skin pain disappears, it means that the animal is under anesthesia and can be operated on. The animal must be observed at any time during the experiment. If necessary, the beaker of ether must be placed in the animal’s nose to maintain the time and depth of anesthesia.

  2. Doses and methods of intraperitoneal or intravenous anesthesia. Large mice and guinea pigs often use intraperitoneal injection for general anesthesia. Animals such as dogs and rabbits can be administered by intraperitoneal or intravenous injection. When anesthesia is excited, the animal suffers pain and becomes restless. Inhalation anesthesia is often used for induction to prevent the needle from slipping off. After the animal becomes quiet, it is anesthetized by abdominal cavity or venipuncture. When injecting anesthetics, first use two-thirds of the total amount of anesthetics and carefully observe the changes in animal vital signs. Once the desired anesthetic effect is achieved, the remaining anesthetics will not be used to avoid excessive deep anesthesia and inhibit brain breathing. The center caused animal deaths.

  Non-volatile and traditional Chinese herbal medicine can be used for intraperitoneal or intravenous anesthesia. It is easy to operate and is one of the most commonly used methods in the laboratory. Intraperitoneal anesthesia is mainly used for rats, mice and guinea pigs, while large animals (such as rabbits and dogs) are usually used for intravenous anesthesia. Due to the long acting time and toxicity of various anesthetics, it is necessary to control the concentration and infusion of the drugs during abdominal and intravenous anesthesia.