【Model Animal】-Commonly used strains of experimental rats

  1. Inbred

  There are currently more than 150 inbred lines internationally.

  1.F344 is the most commonly used species in China and was planted in 1920 by Curtis of the Cancer Institute of Columbia University. Main features: (1) The coat color is white, and the coat color genes are a, B, c and h. (2) In animal models of phenylketonuria, the incidence of testicular stromal cell tumors is as high as 90%, which may induce bladder cancer, esophageal cancer and ovarian cancer, and is also an animal model of peripheral retinal degeneration. can use.

  2. The high-incidence line of plasma cell tumors cultivated by Lou/C Bagin and Beckers in 1972. NIH was introduced to China in 1985. Main features: (1) The coat color is white, and the coat color genes are a, c and h. (2) Features: Spontaneous lymphoma (immune cell tumor) occurs in the lymph nodes in the ileocecal area, and 70% of immune cell tumors secrete monoclonal immunoglobulin. (3) Tumor characteristics: The incidence of spontaneous plasmacytoma in Lou rats over 8 months: 30% for males, 16% for females, 35% for monoclonal immunoglobulin IgG, 36 for IgE or IgA, accounting for %. Lou/C rats are widely used in immunological research, especially in the preparation of monoclonal antibodies.

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  1. Wistar was cultivated at the Wistar Research Institute in the United States in 1907. It was introduced from China, Japan and the former Soviet Union, and was the earliest rat species introduced in China. It is characterized by a broad head, long ears, and a tail shorter than body length. Stable sexual cycle, high fertility, an average of about 10 liters per liter. It grows quickly, is well developed, temperate and resistant to infection. High power, low incidence of spontaneous tumors, 10-week-old male mice weigh 280-300 g, and female mice weigh 170-260 g. The heritability of enclosed populations kept in different locations is very different, and the experimental design should avoid using this species as much as possible.

  2. Spraguedawley (SD) In 1925, the Spraguedawley Farm in the United States was planted on Wistar. It has a long and narrow head and a tail that is close to the length of the body. It has more litters than Wistar, grows faster, and has resistance to respiratory diseases, especially strong resistance, and low spontaneous tumors. The incidence, high sensitivity to sex hormones, is characteristic of a ten-week-old man. The weight of mice can reach 300-400g, and the weight of female mice can reach 180-270g. SD rats are commonly used in nutrition, endocrinology and toxicology research.

  three. Mutant strain 1. SHR/Ola was developed by Okamoto in Tokyo in 1963 using Wistar spontaneous hypertension. Main features: high incidence of hypertension, no obvious primary or adrenal damage, blood pressure higher than 200 mmHg, urine purine diabetes can further increase blood pressure, animals respond to antihypertensive drugs. This strain is the most suitable animal model for screening antihypertensive drugs. In childhood, plasma norepinephrine and dopamine β-hydroxylase levels increase, but there is no significant difference in total catecholamines, while adrenal catecholamines decrease. The level of adrenaline in the circulating blood is significantly higher and the thyroid weight increases. Its fertility and life expectancy are not significantly reduced, and can be increased by 13-14 months. In addition, hypertensive rats should serve as breeding parents.

  2. A nude mouse was discovered and bred in 1953 at the Rowett Institute of Squirrels. Main functions: thin hair, more hair roots in adult rats, brown scales on the skin 2-6 weeks after birth, and then grow smoothly and relatively slowly, weighing about 60 normal rats in SPF environment. You can increase your life span by up to 70% by 1 to 1.5 years. Nude mice have congenital thymus, T cell function defects, and allogeneic or xenogeneic skin grafts during 3-4 months of growth; they are susceptible to respiratory diseases and have no delayed allergy to tuberculin, and no IgM is detected in the blood And IgG, lymphocyte transformation test is negative, B cell function is usually normal, and NK cell viability is improved. Nude mice are mainly used for tumor research.